Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Administrator's Guide

Installing a Certificate

To install a certificate, perform the following steps:

ProcedureTo install a certificate

  1. Access either the Administration Server or the Server Manager and choose the Security tab.

    From the Server Manager you must first select the server instance from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Install Certificate link.

  3. Check the type of certificate you are installing:

    • This Server is for a single certificate associated only with your server.

      • Server Certificate Chain is for a CA’s certificate to include in a certificate chain.

      • Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) is for a certificate of a CA that you want to accept as a trusted CA for client authentication.

  4. Select the Cryptographic Module from the drop-down list.

  5. Enter the Key-Pair File Password.

  6. Leave the certificate name field blank if it will be the only one used for this server instance, unless the following conditions are satisfied:

    • Multiple certificates will be used for virtual servers

      Enter a certificate name unique within the server instance

      • Cryptographic modules other than internal are used

        Enter a certificate name that is unique across all server instances within a single cryptographic module

        If a name is entered, it is displayed in the Manage Certificates list, and should be descriptive. For example, “United States Postal Service CA” is the name of a CA, and “VeriSign Class 2 Primary CA” describes both a CA and the type of certificate. When no certificate name is entered, the default value is applied.

  7. Select either:

    • Message is in this file and enter the full pathname to the saved email

    • Message text (with headers) and paste the email text

      If you copy and paste the text, make sure you include the headers “Begin Certificate” and “End Certificate”—including the beginning and ending hyphens.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Select either:

    • Add Certificate if you are installing a new certificate.

    • Replace Certificate if you are installing a certificate renewal.

  10. For the Server Manager, click Apply, and then Restart for changes to take effect.

    The certificate is stored in the server’s certificate database. The filename will be <alias>-cert8.db. For example:
