Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Administrator's Guide

Restarting the Server Manually (UNIX/Linux)

To restart the server from the command line, log in as root if the server runs on ports with numbers lower than 1024; Alternatively, log in as root or with the server’s user account. At the command-line prompt, type the following line and press Enter:


where server_root is the directory where you installed the server.

You can use the optional parameter -i at the end of the line. The -i option runs the server in inittab mode, so that if the server process is ever killed or crashed, the inittab will restart the server. This option also prevents the server from putting itself in a background process.

Note –

If the server is already running, the start command fails. You must stop the server first, then use the start command. If the server fail to start, you should kill the process before trying to restart it.