Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Reverse Proxy Plug-in Release Notes

Configuring the Reverse Proxy plug-in

The Reverse Proxy plug-in should be initialized in the Sun Java System Web Server magnus.conf file and configured in the corresponding obj.conf file.

This section includes the following topics:


</path/to/sharedobject> is the path where the shared object is installed, including the shared object itself.

Note that the path elements are “/” regardless of the operating system.

Init fn="load-modules" shlib="</path/to/sharedobject>


Configuration of the obj.conf will vary depending on the intended use. See the Sun Java System Web Server documentation for use and syntax of the obj.conf.

Example 1

This configuration will proxy the URI “/example” if it does not exist locally. A local copy of “/example” is preferred to a remote copy:

<Object name="default">
# Assign the URI "/example" (and any more specific URIs; 
# /example/foo.html, /example/qwe.jsp, etc) the object name
# "" 
NameTrans fn="assign-name"



# Execute these instructions for any resource with the assigned name
# ""
<Object name="">

# Check to see if a local copy of the requested resource exists. Only
# proxy the request if there is not a local copy.
ObjectType fn="check-passthrough"

# Proxy the requested resource to the URL
# "" only if the "type" has been set to
# "magnus-internal-passthrough"
Service type="magnus-internal/passthrough"


Example 2

This configuration will proxy all requests for the URI “/app” without first checking for a local version. The Reverse Proxy plug-in provides its own credentials through Basic-Auth to the origin server.

<Object name="default">
# Assign the URI "/app" (and any more specific URIs;
# /app/foo.html, /app/qwe.jsp, etc) the object name
# ""
NameTrans fn="assign-name"


# Execute these instructions for any resource with the assigned name
# ""
<Object name="">

# Proxy the requested resource to the URL
# ""
Service fn="service-passthrough"
