Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP11 Reverse Proxy Plug-in Release Notes


The service-passthrough Service SAF forwards a request to another server for processing.

You can configure the number of times the service-passthrough directive tries to get a content from the web server before sending an error to the client by modifying the retries attribute in obj.conf:

<Object name="passthrough">
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/passthrough"
Service type="magnus-internal/passthrough" fn="service-passthrough"
servers="http://xxx:8084/" poll-timeout="18000" retries="0"
Error reason="Bad Gateway" fn="send-error"

The service-passthrough SAF accepts the following parameters:

When multiple remote servers are configured, service-passthrough chooses a single remote server from the list on a request-by-request basis. If a remote server cannot be contacted or returns an invalid response, service-passthrough sets the status code to 502 Bad Gateway and returns REQ_ABORTED. This will return an error to the browser. This error can be customized in the Web Server by configuring a customized response for the 502 error code.

When user and password are specified, service-passthrough will use these credentials to authenticate to the remote server using HTTP basic authentication. When one or more of the servers in the servers parameter are configured with a https:// prefix, client-cert-nickname specifies the nickname of the client certificate service-passthrough will use to authenticate to the remote server.

Note –

service-passthrough generally uses HTTP/1.1 and persistent connections for outbound requests with the following exceptions:

In addition, service-passthrough encodes information about the originating client in the headers named by the ip-header, cipher-header, keysize-header, secret-keysize-header, ssl-id-header, issuer-dn-header, user-dn-header, and auth-cert-headerparameters (removing any client-supplied headers with the same name) before forwarding the request. Applications running on the remote server may examine these headers to extract information about the originating client.