Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12 Programmer's Guide to Web Applications

Creating a JSP Response Page

Servlets can invoke JSPs in two ways, the include() method and the forward() method:

RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
 dispatcher.include(request, response);
   ... //processing continues


Note –

You cannot use the forward() method if you have already defined a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream object.

This example shows a JSP using forward():

RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
 dispatcher.forward(request, response);


Note –

Identify which JSP to call by specifying a Universal Resource Identifier (URI). The path is a String describing a path within the ServletContext scope. There is also a getRequestDispatcher() method in the request object that takes a String argument indicating a complete path. For more information about this method, see the Java Servlet 2.3 specification, section 8.

For more information about JSPs, see Chapter 4, Using JavaServer Pages.