Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP12/SP13 Release Notes


The following table lists the known issues in Migration.

Table 11 Known Issues in Migration

Issue ID 



Verisign EV certificate chain issue with new built-in CA root. 

If you are using Verisign EV 2048-bit SSL web server certificates, some older browsers might give a Certificate Authority Not Trusted warning after you upgrade from an earlier version of Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 6.1 SP13.


  1. Stop Web Server.

  2. Change to the alias subdirectory of the installation root directory.

    cd install_dir/alias
  3. List the Root Certs module.

    modutil -list -nocertdb -dbdir .
  4. Delete the Root Certs module.

    modutil -dbdir . -delete 'Root Certs'
  5. Confirm that the Root Certs module is deleted.

    modutil -list -nocertdb -dbdir .
  6. Start Web Server.

Note –

If you upgrade Web Server after performing this workaround, you must repeat this workaround after the upgrade. Otherwise, the built-in VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary CA - G5 CA root certificate appears again and some older browsers might give a Certificate Authority Not Trusted warning again.


Cannot enable Java on a migrated 4.1 instance even after opting to enable JAVA at the time of migration and enabling from the GUI after migration. 

Workaround: Manually add the following entries to the obj.conf file and restart the instance:

<Object name="default">
	NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
	NameTrans ......
	PathCheck .....
	ObjectType ......
	Service .......
	Error fn="error-j2ee"
	AddLog .....

<Object .....

<Object name="j2ee">
	Service fn="service-j2ee" method="*"


Cannot change the document root of a migrated server from 4.1. 

Workaround: Edit the migrated instance's obj.conf and server.xml manually. These files are located under SERVER_ROOT/HTTPS-INSTANCE/config directory.

In obj.conf change the line

NameTrans fn=document-root root="<existing_doc_root>"


NameTrans fn=document-root root="$docroot"

In server.xml, under the relevant VSCLASS change the line

<PROPERTY name="docroot" value="existing-doc-root">


<PROPERTY name="docroot" value="new-doc-root">


ktsearch.jar is not migrated correctly on Sun Java Enterprise System 3 (JES3).

Workaround: Manually edit the server.xml file of the migrated instance to point to the correct path.

For Linux: /opt/sun/private/share/lib/ktsearch.jar

For Solaris SPARC: /usr/share/lib/ktsearch.jar


Web application file status ignored during migration from 6.0 to 6.1 

Web application status defined at the file level in the server.xml file is not migrated. If a user has switched off the status of the web applications file to suppress them, upon migration these web applications are exposed.

Workaround: Edit the server.xml file of the migrated instance and turn off status for each web application.


Installation of SP_2 patch on existing install (update) 

If you want to upgrade the Web Server 6.1 that is installed as a part of Sun Java Enterprise System (JES), to the latest Service Pack, download and apply the relevant patches. For more details, refer to the JES 3 Migration and Upgrade Guide.