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Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 HTML Documentation Collection
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Oracle ILOM 3.0 Firmware Version Numbering Scheme

Support and Accessibility

Feature Updates and Release Notes

Oracle ILOM 3.0 Feature Set

Oracle ILOM 3.0 Feature Set Overview

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.3 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.3

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.3

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.3

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.4 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.4

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.4

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.4

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.6 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.6

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.6

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.6

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.8 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.8

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.8

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.8

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.9 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.9

Resolved Issue as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.9

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.9

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.10 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.10

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.10

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.10

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.12 and Oracle ILOM 3.0.14 Firmware

New Features for Oracle ILOM 3.0.12 and Oracle ILOM 3.0.14

Resolved Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.14

Known Issue as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.12

Updates to Oracle ILOM 3.0.16 Firmware

Resolved Issues as of ILOM 3.0.16

Documentation Known Issue

Known Issues as of Oracle ILOM 3.0.16

Enhancements to Oracle ILOM Documentation Library

Quick Start

Oracle ILOM 3.0 – Quick Start

Factory Default Settings

Mandatory Setup Tasks

Optional Setup Tasks

Daily Management Tasks

Routine Maintenance Tasks

Initial Setup FAQs

Remote Redirection Consoles

Oracle ILOM Web and CLI Remote Redirection Options

Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI

Starting and Stopping a Host Console

Understanding Oracle ILOM Remote Console Features

International Keyboard Support

Single or Multiple Management Views

Network Communication Ports and Protocols


Secure Remote Console

Setting Up the Oracle ILOM Remote Console for First-Time Use

Initial Setup Requirements (Oracle ILOM Remote Console)

Configure KVMS Redirection Settings

Registering 32-bit JDK

Securing the Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Launching and Redirecting KVMS Devices Using the Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Usage Requirements (Oracle ILOM Remote Console)

International Keyboard Support

Launch the Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Start, Stop, or Restart Device Redirection

Toggle Keyboard and Mouse Control

Control Keyboard Modes and Key Send Options

Redirect Keyboard Input (Serial Redirection Only)

Redirect Mouse Input (Video Redirection Only)

Redirect Storage Media

Add New Server Redirection Session

Exit the Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Understanding Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI Features

First-Time Use (Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI)

Storage Redirection CLI Architecture

Default Network Communication Port

Setting Up Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI for First Time Use

Initial Setup Requirements (Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI)

Change the Default Storage Redirection Network Port: 2121

Starting the Storage Redirection Service

Download and Install the Storage Redirection Client

Redirecting a Storage Device Using the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI

Usage Requirements (Storage Redirection CLI)

Launch the Storage Redirection CLI Using a Command Window or Terminal

Verify That the Storage Redirection Service Is Running

Display Storage Redirection CLI Help Information

Start Redirection of Storage Device

View Active Storage Redirections

Stop Redirection of Storage Device

Supported Storage Redirection Commands and Options

Daily Management Concepts

Oracle ILOM Overview

What Is Oracle ILOM?

What Does Oracle ILOM Do?

Oracle ILOM Features and Functionality

New Features in Oracle ILOM 3.0

User Accounts – Backward Compatibly

Preconfigured User Accounts

Oracle ILOM Supported Interfaces

Oracle ILOM on the Server SP and CMM

System Banner Messages

Network Configurations

Oracle ILOM Network Management

Switch Serial Port Console Output (Serial Port Owner)

Oracle ILOM Communication Settings

SP Management Port – Recommended Practice for Spanning Tree Parameters

Network Configurations for IPv4

Dual-Stack Network Configurations for IPv4 and IPv6 (ILOM 3.0.12)

Local Interconnect Interface: Local Connection to ILOM From Host OS

User Account Management

Guidelines for Managing User Accounts

User Account Roles and Privileges

Single Sign On

SSH User Key-Based Authentication

Active Directory

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol



System Monitoring and Alert Management

System Monitoring

Alert Management

Storage Monitoring and Zone Management

Storage Monitoring for HDDs and RAID Controllers

CMM Zone Management Feature

Power Monitoring and Management of Hardware Interfaces

Summary of Power Management Feature Updates

Power Monitoring Terminology

Real-Time Power Monitoring and Management Features

Remote Host Management Operations

Remote Power Control

Host Control - Boot Device on x86 Systems

Oracle ILOM Operations for LDom Configurations on SPARC Servers

Remote Redirection Console Options

Oracle ILOM Host Maintenance and Diagnostics Options

Host Maintenance Operations

Host Diagnostic Options

Example Setup of Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS Overview

Example Dynamic DNS Configuration

Daily Management CLI Procedures

CLI Overview

Oracle ILOM CLI — DMTF Server Management Command-Line Protocol User-Interface

Oracle ILOM CLI Connection

Oracle ILOM CLI Management Namespace

Entering CLI Command Syntax and Executing Commands

Common CLI Commands

Oracle ILOM 3.0 Properties Versus Oracle ILOM 2.x Properties

Logging In to ILOM, Displaying Banner Messages, and Setting the CLI Session Time-out

Logging In and Out of ILOM and Recovering a Password

Setting Up Banner Messages and CLI Session Time-Out

Configuring Network, Secure Shell, and Local Interconnect Settings

Configuring Network Settings (CLI)

Configuring Secure Shell Settings (CLI)

Configuring the Local Interconnect Interface (CLI)

Managing User Accounts (CLI)

Configuring User Accounts (CLI)

Configuring SSH User Keys (CLI)

Configuring Active Directory (CLI)

Configuring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (CLI)

Configuring LDAP/SSL (CLI)

Configuring RADIUS (CLI)

Managing Component Status and Service Actions (CLI)

View Component Information (CLI)

Prepare to Remove a Component (CLI)

Return a Component to Service (CLI)

Enable and Disable Component State (CLI)

View and Clear Faults (CLI)

Monitoring System Sensors and Managing Event Log Entries and Clock Settings (CLI)

Monitoring System Sensors, Indicators, Event Logs (CLI)

View and Manage SP Console Log Output (CLI)

Monitoring Storage Components and Zone Manager

Monitor Storage Component Details on x86 Servers (CLI)

Accessing Sun Blade Zone Manager Functions

Managing System Alerts (CLI)

Managing Alert Rule Configurations (CLI)

CLI Commands: Alert Rules

Configure the SMTP Client (CLI)

Redirecting Storage Media and Locking the Oracle ILOM Remote Console Display

Redirect Storage Media (CLI)

Manage Oracle ILOM Remote Console Lock Options (CLI)

Power Monitoring and Managing of Hardware Interfaces

Summary of Power Management Feature Updates (CLI)

Monitoring System Power Consumption (CLI)

Configuring the Power Policy and Notification Threshold Values (CLI)

Monitoring Component Power Allocation Distributions (CLI)

Configuring Power Limit Properties (CLI)

Manage CMM Power Supply Redundancy Properties (CLI)

Managing Remote Host Power States, BIOS Boot Device, and Host Server Console

Issuing Remote Power State Commands From Server SP CLI or CMM CLI

Configure BIOS Host Boot Device Override (CLI)

Managing the SP Host Console

bootManaging TPM and LDom States on SPARC Servers (CLI)

Control TPM State on a SPARC Server (CLI)

Managing LDom Configurations on SPARC Servers (CLI)

CLI Command Reference

cd Command

create Command

delete Command

dump Command

exit Command

help Command

load Command

reset Command

set Command

show Command

start Command

stop Command

version Command

Diagnosing IPv4 or IPv6 Oracle ILOM Connection Issues

Diagnosing Oracle ILOM Connection Issues

Manual Host OS Configuration Guidelines for Local Interconnect Interface

Configuring Internal USB Ethernet Device on Host OS

Daily Management Web Procedures

Web Interface Overview

About the Web Interface

Browser and Software Requirements

CMM and Server SP Web Interface Connection

Web Interface Navigation Tabs

Logging In to and Out of Oracle ILOM and Displaying Banner Messages (Web)

Before Your Initial Login

Log In Using the Root User Account (Web)

Log In to Oracle ILOM With User Account (Web)

Log Out of Oracle ILOM (Web)

Display Banner Messages on Login Page (Web)

Configuring Network, Secure Shell, and Local Interconnect Settings (Web)

Configuring Network Settings (Web)

Configuring Secure Shell Settings

Configuring the Local Interconnect Interface (Web)

Managing User Accounts (Web)

Configuring User Accounts (Web)

Configuring SSH Keys (Web)

Configuring Active Directory (Web)

Configuring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Configuring LDAP/SSL Settings (Web)

Configuring RADIUS (Web)

Managing Component Status and Service Actions (Web)

View Component Status Information (Web)

Prepare to Remove a Component (Web)

Return a Component to Service (Web)

Enable or Disable Components (Web)

Clear Faults Detected by Oracle ILOM (Web)

Monitoring System Sensors and Managing the Event Log (Web)

View Sensor Readings (Web)

Configure System Indicators (Web)

Configure Clock Settings (Web)

Configure Time Zone Settings (Web)

Filter Event Log Output (Web)

View and Clear Oracle ILOM Event Log (Web)

Configure Remote Syslog Receiver IP Addresses (Web)

Monitoring Storage Components and Zone Manager (Web)

Requirements for Monitoring Storage Components

View and Monitor RAID Controller Details (Web)

View and Monitor Details for Disks That Are Attached to RAID Controllers (Web)

View and Monitor RAID Controller Volume Details (Web)

Enabling or Disabling Zone Manager for SAS-2 Storage Devices

Managing System Alerts and Email Notifications (Web)

Managing Alert Rule Configurations (Web)

Configuring SMTP Client for Email Notification Alerts (Web)

Power Monitoring and Management of Hardware Interfaces (Web)

Summary of Power Management Feature Updates (Web)

Monitoring System Power Consumption (Web)

Configuring Power Policy Settings to Manage Server Power Usage (Web)

Configuring Power Consumption Threshold Notifications (Web)

Monitoring and Configuring Component Power Allocation Distributions (Web)

Configuring Server Power Limit Properties (Web)

Monitoring or Configuring CMM Power Supply Redundancy (Web)

Managing Remote Hosts Redirection and Securing the Oracle ILOM Remote Console (Web)

Web Procedures for Redirecting Remote Host KVMS

Managing Remote Hosts Power States (Web)

Controlling Power States From Remote Server SP or CMM (Web)

Managing Host Control of Boot Device on x86 Systems (Web)

Managing TPM and LDom States on SPARC Servers (Web)

Controlling the TPM State on SPARC Servers (Web)

Managing LDom Configurations on SPARC Servers (Web)

Diagnosing IPv4 or IPv6 Oracle ILOM Connection Issues

Diagnosing Oracle ILOM Connection Issues

Manual Host OS Configuration Guidelines for Local Interconnect Interface

Configuring Internal USB Ethernet Device on Host OS

Maintenance and Diagnostics CLI and Web Procedures

Maintenance Operations Overview

Firmware Updates Using Oracle ILOM

Service Processor (SP) Reset

Back Up, Restore, and Reset Oracle ILOM Configurations

Updating Firmware

Updating Firmware Using Oracle ILOM (Web)

Updating Firmware Using Oracle ILOM (CLI)

Resetting the Service Processor Using Oracle ILOM

Reset the SP Using the Oracle ILOM Web Interface

Reset the SP Using the Oracle ILOM CLI

Backing Up, Restoring, or Resetting Oracle ILOM Configurations

Backing Up Configurations

Optionally Edit the Backup XML File

Restoring Configurations

Resetting Oracle ILOM Configuration Settings to the Defaults

Diagnostic Tools Overview

Server SP Diagnostic Tools

Oracle Service-Designated Diagnostic Tools

x86 Server SP Diagnostic Tools

Diagnosing x86 Systems Hardware Issues (Web)

Diagnosing x86 Systems Hardware Issues (CLI)

SPARC Server SP Diagnostic Tools

Diagnosing SPARC Systems Hardware Issues (Web)

Diagnosing SPARC Systems Hardware Issues (CLI)

Oracle Services-Designated Diagnosic Tools

Collecting SP Data to Diagnose System Problems

Using the Oracle ILOM Fault Management Shell

Protocol Management CLI and Web Procedures

SNMP Overview

About Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP Components


Configuring SNMP Settings in Oracle ILOM

Managing SNMP Read and Write Access, User Accounts, and SNMP Trap Alerts (CLI)

Managing SNMP Read and Write Access, User Accounts, and SNMP Trap Alerts (Web)

Downloading SNMP MIBs Using Oracle ILOM

Manage User Accounts Using SNMP

Before You Begin - User Accounts (SNMP)

Configuring User Accounts (SNMP)

Configure User Accounts (SNMP)

Configure Single Sign On (SNMP)

Configuring Active Directory Settings

Manage Active Directory Settings (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory Administrator Groups (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory Operator Group (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory Custom Group (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory User Domains (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory Alternate Server (SNMP)

Manage Server Redundancy (SNMP)

Manage Active Directory DNS Locator (SNMP)

Manage DNS Name Server Settings (SNMP)

Configuring ILOM for LDAP (SNMP)

Configure LDAP Settings (SNMP)

Configuring ILOM for LDAP/SSL

Manage LDAP/SSL Certificate (SNMP)

Manage LDAP/SSL Administrator Group (SNMP)

Manage LDAP/SSL Operator Group (SNMP)

Manage LDAP/SSL Custom Group (SNMP)

Manage LDAP/SSL User Domain (SNMP)

Manage LDAP/SSL Alternate Server (SNMP)

Configuring RADIUS Settings (SNMP)

Configure RADIUS Settings (SNM))

Manage Component Information and Email Alerts (SNMP)

Before You Begin - Component Information (SNMP)

Viewing Component Information

Managing Clock Settings, Event Log, Syslog Receiver, and Alert Rules

Configuring SMTP Client for Email Alert Notifications

Configuring Email Alert Settings (SNMP)

Configuring Telemetry Harness Daemon (SNMP)

Monitor and Manage System Power (SNMP)

Before You Begin - Power Management (SNMP)

Monitoring the Power Consumption Interfaces (SNMP)

Maintaining System Power Policy (SNMP)

Managing System Power Properties (SNMP)

Manage Oracle ILOM Firmware Updates (SNMP)

Update Oracle ILOM Firmware (SNMP)

Manage ILOM Backup and Restore Configurations (SNMP)

View and Configure Backup and Restore Properties (SNMP)

Manage SPARC Diagnostics, POST, and Boot Mode Operations (SNMP)

Before You Begin - Manage SPARC Hosts (SNMP)

Managing SPARC Diagnostic, POST, and Boot Mode Properties (SNMP)

Server Managment Using IPMI

Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

Configuring the IPMI State

Using IPMItool to Run ILOM CLI Commands

Performing System Management Tasks (IPMItool)

IPMItool Utility and Command Summary

Server Management Using WS-Management and CIM

WS-Management and CIM Overview

Configuring Support for WS-Management in ILOM

Supported DMTF SMASH Profiles, CIM Classes and CIM Indications

Oracle's Sun-Supported CIM Classes

Document Conventions For Oracle's Sun-Supported CIM Classes


































SNMP Command Examples

snmpget Command

snmpwalk Command

snmpbulkwalk Command

snmptable Command

snmpset Command

snmptrapd Command

CMM Administration CLI and Web Procedures

Oracle ILOM CMM Overview

About the Modular System Chassis

Oracle ILOM CMM Function Overview

Oracle ILOM Versions

Oracle ILOM CMM Documentation

About This Document

Oracle ILOM CMM Initial Setup

Connecting to the Oracle ILOM CMM

Log In to the Oracle ILOM CMM Using a Network Connection

Activating CMM Ethernet Ports

Changing the Blade SP CLI Prompt

Firmware Update Procedures

Updating the Oracle ILOM CMM Firmware

Updating the NEM Firmware

Updating Chassis Component Firmware Using the CMM

Resetting the Oracle ILOM CMM

CMM Power Management

Light Load Efficiency Mode (LLEM)

Force Power Supply Fan Speed

Disabling the Power Management Policy

Oracle ILOM 3.0 for Specific Sun Blade 6048 Cases

SAS Zoning Chassis Blade Storage Resources

Zone Management for Chassis-Level SAS-2 Capable Resources

Manageable SAS-2 Zoning-Capable Devices

Sun Blade Zone Manager Properties

Important SAS Zoning Allocations Considerations

Enabling Zoning and Creating SAS-2 Zoning Assignments

Managing Existing SAS-2 Storage Resource Allocations

Resetting Sun Blade Zone Manager Allocations to Factory Defaults

Resetting the Zoning Password to Factory Default for Third-Party In-Band Management



Manage Active Directory Settings (SNMP)

Note - You can use the get and set commands to view and configure Active Directory settings. For a description of the MIB objects used in this procedure, see the table that follows the procedure.

  1. Log in to a host that has an SNMP tool and the ILOM MIBs installed. For example, type:

    ssh username@snmp_manager_ipaddress

    Password: password

  2. Refer to the following SNMP command examples:
    • To view the Active Directory state, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryEnabled.0
    • To enable the Active Directory, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryEnabled.0 i 1
    • To view the Active Directory port number, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryPortNumber.0
    • To set the Active Directory port number, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryPortNumber.0 i portnumber
    • To view the Active Directory default user roles, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryDefaultRoles.0
    • To set the Active Directory default user roles, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryDefaultRoles.0 s acro
    • To view the Active Directory certificate file URI, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertFileURI.0
    • To set the Active Directory certificate file URI, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertFileURI.0 s URI
    • To view the Active Directory time-out, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryTimeout.0
    • To set the Active Directory time-out, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryTimeout.0 i 6
    • To view the Active Directory certificate validation mode, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryStrictCertEnabled.0
    • To set the Active Directory certificate validation mode, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryStrictCertEnabled.0 i 1
    • To view the Active Directory certificate file status, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertFileStatus.0
    • To view the event log setting for the number of messages sent to the event log, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryLogDetail.0
    • To configure the event log setting so that only the highest priority messages are sent to the event log, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryLogDetail.0 i 2
    • To view the role that user1 is to have when authenticated through Active Directory, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryDefaultRoles.'user1'
    • To specify the Admin (a) role for user1 when authenticated via Active Directory, type:
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryDefaultRoles.'user1' s a
    • To view and clear the certificate information associated with the server when it is set to true, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertClear.0
      % snmpset -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertClear.0 i 0
    • To view the version of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertVersion.0
    • To view the serial number of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertserialNo.0
    • To view the issuer of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertIssuer.0
    • To view the subject of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertSubject.0
    • To view the valid start date of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertValidBegin.0
    • To view the valid end date of the certificate file, type:
      % snmpget -mALL -v2c -cprivate SNMP_agent_ipaddress ilomCtrlActiveDirectoryCertValidEnd.0

      The following table describes the Active Directory Certificates SNMP MIB objects.

      MIB Object
      Allowed Values



      Specifies whether the Active Directory client is enabled.




      The IP address of the Active Directory server used as a name service for user accounts.



      Specifies the port number for the Active Directory client. Specifying 0 as the port means autoselect, while specifying 1 to 65535 configures the actual port.

      Range: 0 to 65535





      Specifies the role that a user authenticated through Active Directory should have. Setting this property to legacy roles of Administrator or Operator, or any of the individual role IDs of a, u, c, r, o and s will cause the Active Directory client to ignore the schema stored on the Active Directory server. Setting this to none clears the value and indicates that the native Active Directory schema should be used. The role IDs can be joined together. For example, aucros, where a=admin, u=user, c=console, r=reset, o=read-only, and s=service.












      This is the URI of a certificate file needed when Strict Certificate Mode is enabled. Setting the URI causes the transfer of the file, making the certificate available immediately for certificate authentication.



      Specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out if the Active Directory server is not responding.
      Range: 1 to 20 seconds




      Specifies whether the Strict Certificate Mode is enabled for the Active Directory client. If enabled, the Active Directory certificate must be uploaded to the SP so that certificate validation can be performed when communicating with the Active Directory server.
      true(1), false(2)



      A string indicating the status of the certificate file. This is useful in determining whether a certificate file is present or not.