Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager Performance Advisor 1.0 Installation and Quick Start Guide

Using the Management Rules

    Management Rules alert you to system usage issues and help you manage log files and JDBC connection pools. The general steps for configuring a management rule are as follows:

  1. Select the Management Rules node in the left pane of the Admin Console.

  2. Select the rule you wish to configure from the table.

  3. Select the Add button to display the rule's Edit page.

  4. Check the Email Notifications Enabled box if the rule has one.

    If you do not check this box, alerts are written to the server log only. All rules have this box except the Log Rotation Manager and JDBC Pool Manager.

  5. Supply the following information for email notifications.

    • Recipients — Specify the comma-separated email addresses of the recipients of the alert.

    • Use Java Mail Resource — Specify the JavaMail resource if you are using one. To set up a JavaMail resource, see Configuring a JavaMail Resource.

    • From Email — Specify the email address of the sender of the alert if you are not using a JavaMail resource.

    • Mail Hostname — Specify the same mail server hostname if you are not using a JavaMail resource.

    • Username — Specify the username of the sender of the alert if you are not using a JavaMail resource.

    • Sender Password — Specify the password or password alias of the sender of the alert if you are not using a JavaMail resource.

      To create a password alias, use the asadmin create-password-alias command. For details, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual.

  6. Supply the specific information that the rule requires.

    The following sections briefly describe the specific information required for each rule.

  7. Specify the target server instances or clusters to which to apply the rule. To specify a target, select the target in the Available Targets list and select the Add button to move it to the Selected Targets list.

    The JavaMail resource must have at least the same targets as the management rules that use it.

  8. Select the Save button.

  9. Restart each target server instance or cluster.

Physical Memory Alert

The Physical Memory Alert rule sends an alert when the percentage of physical memory that is free goes below a user-defined threshold.

The Physical Memory Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

Memory Leak Alert

The Memory Leak Alert rule sends an alert when a possible memory leak is detected. Detection is done through trend analysis of percent memory usage after garbage collection (GC). An alert is sent when the post-GC memory usage exceeds a user-defined threshold.

The Memory Leak Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

CPU Usage Trend Alert

The CPU Usage Trend Alert rule sends an alert when trend analysis of the percent CPU usage indicates an increase above a user-defined threshold.

The CPU Usage Trend Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

JVM Throughput Alert

The JVM Throughput Alert rule sends an alert when the percentage of virtual machine (VM) uptime that is time-averaged elapsed GC time exceeds a user-defined threshold.

The JVM Throughput Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

GC Pause Time Alert

The GC Pause Time Alert rule sends an alert when the last garbage collection (GC) pause time is above a user-specified percentage of a user-specified maximum GC pause time.

The GC Pause Time Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

Log Entry Alert

The Log Entry Alert rule sends an alert when a new entry is created in the log file at or above a user-specified log level for a user-specified logger.

The Log Entry Alert rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

Log Rotation Manager

The Log Rotation Manager rule moves or deletes rotated log files.

The Log Rotation Manager rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.

JDBC Pool Manager

The JDBC Pool Manager rule tunes a JDBC connection pool's values for Maximum Pool Size (max-pool-size) and for Initial and Minimum Pool Size (steady-pool-size). These recalculations happen only during runtime, and absolute recalculated values are not reflected anywhere. In production environments, recalculations are based only on the number of client requests for Initial and Minimum Pool Size, and only on server instance addition or deletion for Maximum Pool Size.

The JDBC Pool Manager rule includes the following rule-specific settings:

Note –

Do not select both * (applies to All Current and Future JDBC Connection Pools) and individual connection pools. The Max Connections setting for * (applies to All Current and Future JDBC Connection Pools) overrides the Max Connections settings for individual connection pools.

Note –

All the Max Connections settings in this rule, including Default Max Connections and the Max Connections settings for individual pools, override the Maximum Pool Size settings for the JDBC connection pools.

For general steps on how to configure a rule, see Using the Management Rules.