Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Administration Guide

Sending Metrics Data to Log Files

This section describes the procedure for using broker log files to report metrics information. For general information on configuring the Logger, see Configuring and Using Broker Logging.

ProcedureTo Use Log Files to Report Metrics Information

  1. Configure the broker’s metrics generation capability:

    1. Confirm imq.metrics.enabled=true

      Generation of metrics for logging is turned on by default.

    2. Set the metrics generation interval to a convenient number of seconds.


      This value can be set in the file or using the -metrics interval command line option when starting up the broker.

  2. Confirm that the Logger gathers metrics information:


    This is the default value. This value can be set in the file or using the -loglevel level command line option when starting up the broker.

  3. Confirm that the Logger is set to write metrics information to the log file:


    This is the default value. It can be set in the file.

  4. Start up the broker.

    The following shows sample broker metrics output to the log file:

    [21/Jul/2004:11:21:18 PDT]
    Connections: 0    JVM Heap: 8323072 bytes (7226576 free) Threads: 0 (14-1010)
          In: 0 msgs (0bytes) 0 pkts (0 bytes)
         Out: 0 msgs (0bytes) 0 pkts (0 bytes)
     Rate In: 0 msgs/sec (0 bytes/sec) 0 pkts/sec (0 bytes/sec)
    Rate Out: 0 msgs/sec (0 bytes/sec) 0 pkts/sec (0 bytes/sec)

    For reference information about metrics data, see Chapter 21, Metrics Information Reference