Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Technical Overview

Thread Pool Management

Each connection service is multithreaded, supporting multiple connections. The threads needed for these connections are maintained by the broker in a pool. How they are allocated depends on the values you specify for the minimum and maximum thread values, and on the threading model you choose.

You can set broker properties to specify a minimum number and maximum number of threads. As threads are needed by connections, they are added to the thread pool for the service supporting that connection. The minimum specifies the number of threads available to be allocated. When the available threads exceeds this minimum threshold, the system will shut down threads as they become free until the minimum is reached again, thereby saving on memory resources. Under heavy loads, the number of threads might increase until the pool’s maximum number is reached; at this point, new connections are rejected until a thread becomes available.

The threading model you choose specifies whether threads are dedicated to a single connection or shared by multiple connections: