Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Upgrade Guide

ProcedureTo Upgrade Remote Node Agents (In-place)

  1. Perform the upgrade to Enterprise Serverv2.1.1 on Machine A by Upgrading Enterprise Server Runtime Binaries and Upgrading Configuration, Deployed Applications, and Certificate Databases.

  2. Install Enterprise Serverv2.1.1 on Machine B without the DAS but with the Node Agent feature.

    Note –

    Machine A is the primary machine. It runs the DAS. Machine B is a secondary machine, which is not running the DAS. Machine B runs remote node agents that are configured to communicate with Machine A.

  3. On Machine A, start each node agent using the start-node-agent command with the --syncinstances option. This option resynchronizes all associated instances. Example: asadmin start-node-agent --user admin --syncinstances nodeagent1

  4. On Machine B, start each node agent using the start-node-agent command with the --syncinstances option. This option resynchronizes all associated instances