Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 8 SIP, Web, and EJB Containers

Containers provide runtime support for application components. Application components use the protocols and methods of the container to access other application components and services provided by the server. The Enterprise Server provides an application client container, an applet container, a Web container, and an EJB container. For a diagram that shows the containers, see the section Enterprise Server Overview.

This chapter describes the following containers:

The SIP Servlet Container

Enterprise Server provides the SIP Servlet container that hosts SIP-compliant applications. Features of this container include the following:

Editing the Properties of the SIP Container

To view SIP container settings on the default domain, use the following asadmin command:

get server.sip-container.*

Typical output is as follows:

server.sip-container.external-address =
server.sip-container.external-sip-port = 5060
server.sip-container.external-sips-port = 5061p

By default, the external address is empty. The SIP Container has a heuristic that tries to find a suitable address by examining all network interfaces on the machine. In a cluster setup, it is mandatory to change the external address .External SIP and SIPS port settings of the SIP container are overridden by the external SIP and SIPS port settings of the SIP listener.

To change the port settings of the SIP container, use the following asadmin command:

set server.sip-container.external-sip-port=5065

The sub-elements of the SIP container are session-managerand session-properties. store-properties, manager-properties are sub-elements of session-manager.

To change the properties of the SIP container using the Admin Console, select the Configuration node, select the configuration name, and the SIP Container node. Use the General, Session Timeout, SIP Container Manager, or SIP Container Store tabs to view and change SIP container properties.

You can use the following CLI commands to list and view the sub-elements and attributes of the SIP container.

To view the sub-elements of the SIP container, use the following command: list server.sip-container.*

To view the attributes of the SIP container, use the following command: get server.sip-container.*

Editing SIP Container Session Properties

To view the attributes of the SIP container session properties, use the following command: get server.sip-container.session-config.session-properties.*

To set the attributes of the SIP container session properties, use the get and set commands:

get server.sip-container.session-config.session-properties.*

set server.sip-container.session-config.session-properties.timeout-in-seconds=0

Editing SIP Container Session Manager Properties

To view the sub-elements of the SIP container session manager properties, use the following command: list server.sip-container.session-config.session-manager.*

The two sub-elements are store-properties, manager-properties.

To view the attributes of store-properties, use the following command: get*

To view the attributes of manager-properties, use the following command: get server.sip-container.session-config.session-manager.manager-properties.*

To set the attributes of the SIP container session manager properties, use the get and set commands:

get server.sip-container.session-manager.manager-properties.reap-interval-in-seconds

set server.sip-container.session-manager.manager-properties.reap-interval-in-seconds=2

For a complete list of SIP container properties, see the TBDlink,

The Web Container

The Web Container is a J2EE container that hosts web applications. The web container extends the web server functionality by providing developers the environment to run servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP files).

The EJB Container

Enterprise beans (EJB components) are Java programming language server components that contain business logic. The EJB container provides local and remote access to enterprise beans.

There are three types of enterprise beans: session beans, entity beans, and message-driven beans. Session beans represent transient objects and processes and typically are used by a single client. Entity beans represent persistent data, typically maintained in a database. Message-driven beans are used to pass messages asynchronously to application modules and services.

The container is responsible for creating the enterprise bean, binding the enterprise bean to the naming service so other application components can access the enterprise bean, ensuring only authorized clients have access to the enterprise bean’s methods, saving the bean’s state to persistent storage, caching the state of the bean, and activating or passivating the bean when necessary.