Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Administration Guide

Setting the Request and Response Policy for the Application Client Configuration

The request and response policies define the authentication policy requirements associated with request and response processing performed by the authentication provider. Policies are expressed in message sender order such that a requirement that encryption occur after content would mean that the message receiver would expect to decrypt the message before validating the signature.

To achieve message security, the request and response policies must be enabled on both the server and client. When configuring the policies on the client and server, make sure that the client policy matches the server policy for request/response protection at application-level message binding.

To set the request policy for the application client configuration, modify the Enterprise Server specific configuration for the application client container as described in Enabling Message Security for Application Clients. In the application client configuration file, add the request-policy and response-policy elements as shown to set the request policy.

The other code is provided for reference. The other code may differ slightly in your installation. Do not change it.

  <target-server name="your-host" address="your-host"
  <log-service file="" level="WARNING"/>
  <message-security-config auth-layer="SOAP"
        provider-id="ClientProvider" provider-type="client">
      <request-policy auth-source="sender | content"
        auth-recipient="after-content | before-content"/>
      <response-policy auth-source="sender | content"
        auth-recipient="after-content | before-content"/>
       <property name="security.config"

Valid values for auth-source include sender and content. Valid values for auth-recipient include before-content and after-content. A table describing the results of various combinations of these values can be found in Actions of Request and Response Policy Configurations.

To not specify a request or response policy, leave the element blank, for example:
