Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide
 CAC, See common agent container
 calendar agent
  checking status of ( Index Term Link )
  logging levels ( Index Term Link )
  refreshing ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  stopping ( Index Term Link )
 certificates, redirect server ( Index Term Link )
  configuration parameters ( Index Term Link )
  user privileges ( Index Term Link )
  calendar agent status ( Index Term Link )
  component status ( Index Term Link )
  multiplexor status ( Index Term Link )
  redirect server status ( Index Term Link )
  server status ( Index Term Link )
  watchdog status ( Index Term Link )
  configuration ( Index Term Link )
  for HA configuration ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  configuring systems for ( Index Term Link )
  gateway response wait time and ( Index Term Link )
  launching ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing connections ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring retries ( Index Term Link )
  retry monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  see-other-hosts error ( Index Term Link )
  standalone application ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting certificates ( Index Term Link )
  web browser and ( Index Term Link )
 client inactivity, See allowed client inactivity time
 client redirect, See redirect
 codebase, gateway and ( Index Term Link )
 commands, iwadmin ( Index Term Link )
 Common Agent Container ( Index Term Link )
 component JID, gateway ( Index Term Link )
 components, used with imadmin command ( Index Term Link )
 concurrent requests, configuring for gateway ( Index Term Link )
 Confdir_list ( Index Term Link )
 Confdir_list RTR parameter ( Index Term Link )
 conference rooms, administering ( Index Term Link )
  checklist ( Index Term Link )
  Instant Messaging ( Index Term Link )
  verifying for HA ( Index Term Link )
 configuration file, configuring non-default for gateway ( Index Term Link )
 configuration files ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  access control files ( Index Term Link )
  gateway ( Index Term Link )
 configuration parameters
  logging ( Index Term Link )
  multiple servers ( Index Term Link )
  multiplexor ( Index Term Link )
  new user registration ( Index Term Link )
  server ( Index Term Link )
  user source ( Index Term Link )
  BEA Web Container ( Index Term Link )
  silent ( Index Term Link )
 configure utility
  enabling gateway using ( Index Term Link )
  gateway deployment and ( Index Term Link )
  Access Manager policies for Instant Messaging ( Index Term Link )
  after install ( Index Term Link )
  after upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  client ( Index Term Link )
  client systems ( Index Term Link )
  gateway logging configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
  HA ( Index Term Link )
  HA ( Index Term Link )
  instance as multiplexor ( Index Term Link )
  Instant Messenger for user registration ( Index Term Link )
  logical host for HA ( Index Term Link )
  redirect server ( Index Term Link )
  server as redirect server ( Index Term Link )
  server for user registration ( Index Term Link )
  server pool ( Index Term Link )
  sever-to-server communication ( Index Term Link )
  sever-to-server federation ( Index Term Link )
  SSL ( Index Term Link )
  SSO for Instant Messaging ( Index Term Link )
  StartTLS ( Index Term Link )
  storage resource for HA ( Index Term Link )
  TLS ( Index Term Link )
 conflict resolution for proxies ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 contact lists, including dynamic groups ( Index Term Link )
 container, agent ( Index Term Link )
 content-type header
  httpbind.content_type parameter ( Index Term Link )
  setting for gateway ( Index Term Link )
 creating, redirect database ( Index Term Link )
 customizing index.html and im.html files ( Index Term Link )