Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide
 gateway ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  changing logging configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
  codebase and ( Index Term Link )
  component JID ( Index Term Link )
  configuration files ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  configure utility and ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   allowed client inactivity time ( Index Term Link )
   content-type HTTP header ( Index Term Link )
   disabling ( Index Term Link )
   enabling ( Index Term Link )
   gateway pool ( Index Term Link )
   Key IDs ( Index Term Link )
   logging configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
   non-default configuration file ( Index Term Link )
   number of concurrent requests ( Index Term Link )
   response wait time ( Index Term Link )
   round trip delay ( Index Term Link )
   setting JEP 124 hold parameter ( Index Term Link )
   supported domains ( Index Term Link )
  configuring for network latency ( Index Term Link )
  deploying on web container ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  disabling logging ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
  enabling logging ( Index Term Link )
  httpbind.conf configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  httpbind_log4j.conf configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  logging ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
   disabling ( Index Term Link )
   enabling ( Index Term Link )
  logging configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  logging configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
  logging levels ( Index Term Link )
  non-default configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  password ( Index Term Link )
  resource files ( Index Term Link )
  support for SSL ( Index Term Link )
  support for StartTLS ( Index Term Link )
  URL ( Index Term Link )
  URL and nodeId ( Index Term Link )
  web.xml configuration file ( Index Term Link )
 gateway configuration file, using non-default ( Index Term Link )
 gateway domain ID, See Key ID
 generating, redirect database ( Index Term Link )
 globally available disk ( Index Term Link )
 granting users privilege to create conference rooms and news channels ( Index Term Link )
 group ID
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  for HA ( Index Term Link )
  UNIX system group ( Index Term Link )
 gwdomain-id, See Key ID
 gwdomain-id.componentjid parameter ( Index Term Link )
 gwdomain-id.domain parameter ( Index Term Link )
 gwdomain-id.hosts parameter ( Index Term Link )
 gwdomain-id.password parameter ( Index Term Link )