Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Run Instant Messenger as an Applet Within a Web Browser:

  1. Start the web browser.

    For information on supported browsers, see the Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7 2006Q4 Release Notes.

  2. Go to the Instant Messaging home page.

    By default, the home page is stored as index.html. Use the following format to locate the Instant Messaging home page:


    Where codebase is the URL that corresponds to the location of the resource files on the web container.

  3. Click Use Java Plug-In.

    If you customized the home page and changed the link text, click the link that corresponds to running Instant Messenger as an applet within a browser. The link points to either im.jnlp (standard and TLS mode) or imssl.jnlp (legacy SSL mode).

    When the Instant Messenger session is established using the Java Plug-in, the browser window must be dedicated to its use.

    You cannot locate any other URLs with this browser window, nor can you close the browser window without terminating the Instant Messenger session.