Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo deploy and configure a stand-alone connector module

  1. Deploy the connector module in one of the following ways.

    • In the Administration Console, open the Applications component and select Connector Modules. When you deploy the connector module, a resource adapter configuration is automatically created for the connector module.

    • Use the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir command. To override the default configuration properties of a resource adapter, if necessary, use the asadmin create-resource-adapter-config command.

  2. Configure connector connection pools for the deployed connector module in one of the following ways:

    • In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, select Connectors, and select Connector Connection Pools.

    • Use the asadmin create-connector-connection-pool command.

  3. Configure connector resources for the connector connection pools in one of the following ways.

    • In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, select Connectors, and select Connector Resources.

    • Use the asadmin create-connector-resource command.

    This associates a connector resource with a JNDI name.

  4. Create an administered object for an inbound resource adapter, if necessary, in one of the following ways:

    • In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, select Connectors, and select Admin Object Resources.

    • Use the asadmin create-admin-object command.