Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Upgrade and Migration Guide

ProcedureTo Use the Upgrade Wizard

  1. In the Source Installation Directory field, enter the location of the existing installation from which to import the configuration.

    Provide the appropriate value for the Source Installation Directory field depending on the version of your older installation of Application Server and the type of upgrade you want to perform. Valid values for this are:

    • Enter the install root of the Application Server 7.x, if you are upgrading from Application Server 7.x. Example: /home/sunappserver7.1 for Solaris/Linux users or C:\ProgramFiles\SunAppserver7.1 for Windows users. You can only perform a side-by-side upgrade if you are upgrading from Application Server 7.x.

    • Enter the domains root if you are performing an in-place upgrade from Application Server 8.x. Example: /home/sunappserver7.1/domains for Solaris/Linux users or C:\ProgramFiles\SunAppserver7.1\domains for Windows users.

    • Enter the domain directory if you are performing a side—by-side upgrade from Application Server 8.x. Example: /home/sunappserver7.1/domains/domain1 for Solaris/Linux users or C:\ProgramFiles\SunAppserver7.1\domains\domain1 for Windows users.

  2. In the Target Installation Directory field, enter the location of the Application Server installation to which to transfer the configuration.

    If the upgrade wizard was started from the installation (the Upgrade from Previous Version checkbox was checked during the Application Server installation), the default value for this field is the directory to which the Application Server software was just installed. If the Upgrade tool was not invoked through the installer or if you are upgrading from Application server 7.x, you need to provide the domains root of the Application Server 8.2 EE installation as the input to this field. Example: /home/sunappserver8.2/domains for Solaris/Linux users or C:\ProgramFiles\SunAppserver8.2\domains for Windows users.

  3. If you are upgrading from Application Server 7.x, you need to enter the admin user name, admin password, and master password that you used for theApplication Server 7.x installation. If you have created a domain when you installed the target server (Application Server 8.2), you need to have used the same admin credentials as that was used for Application Server 7.x. If you have multiple Application Server 7.x domains, all of them need to have the same admin credentials. If you are upgrading Application Server 8.x, you need to enter the following values: admin user as admin, admin password as adminadmin, and master password as changeit. If you enter other values, the Upgrade tool ignores those values and assigns the default values to the admin credentials.

    Note –

    Refer Before You Upgrade to know what you need to before you upgrade.

  4. If you are upgrading a Application Server 7.x Enterprise Edition installation with clusters and no security certificates, click the Next button and continue with step 9 to enter the cluster files information. If you are upgrading Application Server 8.x Enterprise Edition to Application Server 8.2 Enterprise Edition, click the Next button to proceed with the upgrade. The Upgrade tool automatically detects any clusters in the source installation. If security certificates need to be transformed, continue with step 4.

  5. If the source installation has security certificates that must be transferred, check the Transfer Security Certificates checkbox, press the Next button.

    The Transfer Security Certificates screen displays.

  6. From the Transfer Security Certificates screen, press the Add Domain button to add domains with certificates to be transferred.

    The Add Domain dialog displays.

  7. From the Add Domain dialog, select the domain name that contains the security certificates to migrate and enter the appropriate passwords.

  8. Click the OK button when done.

    The Transfer Security Certificates screen will be displayed again.

  9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all the domains that have certificates to be transferred have been added. Click Next button when done.

  10. If you are upgrading a Sun Java System Application Server 7.1 Enterprise Edition installation with clusters to Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 Enterprise Edition, the Transfer Cluster Configurations screen will be displayed. Click the Add Cluster button.

    The Select clinstance.conf file dialog box will be displayed. Choose clinstance.conf file and click the Open button. The clinstance.conf file will be added to the list.

  11. Repeat step 9 until all the cluster configuration files that need to be migrated have been added. Press the Next button.

    Repeat this process until all the cluster configuration files that need to be migrated have been added, and press the Next button.

  12. The Upgrade Results panel is displayed showing the status of the upgrade operation.

  13. Click the Finish button to close the Upgrade Tool when the upgrade process is complete.