Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Deployment Planning Guide

Estimating Bandwidth Requirements

To decide on the desired size and bandwidth of the network, first determine the network traffic and identify its peak. Check if there is a particular hour, day of the week, or day of the month when overall volume peaks, and then determine the duration of that peak.

During peak load times, the number of packets in the network is at its highest level. In general, if you design for peak load, scale your system with the goal of handling 100 percent of peak volume. Bear in mind, however, that any network behaves unpredictably and that despite your scaling efforts, it might not always be able handle 100 percent of peak volume.

For example, assume that at peak load, five percent of users occasionally do not have immediate network access when accessing applications deployed on Application Server. Of that five percent, estimate how many users retry access after the first attempt. Again, not all of those users might get through, and of that unsuccessful portion, another percentage will retry. As a result, the peak appears longer because peak use is spread out over time as users continue to attempt access.