Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Port Mapper

Each connection service is available at a particular port, specified by host name (or IP address) and port number. You can explicitly specify a static port number for a service or have the broker’s Port Mapper assign one dynamically. The Port Mapper itself resides at the broker’s primary port, which is normally located at the standard port number 7676. (If necessary, you can use the broker configuration property imq.portmapper.port to override this with a different port number.) By default, each connection service registers itself with the Port Mapper when it starts up. When a client creates a connection to the broker, the Message Queue client runtime first contacts the Port Mapper, requesting a port number for the desired connection service.

Alternatively, you can override the Port Mapper and explicitly assign a static port number to a connection service, using the imq.serviceName.protocolType. port configuration property (where serviceName and protocolType identify the specific connection service, as shown in Table 6–1). (Only the jms, ssljms, admin, and ssladmin connection services can be configured this way; the httpjms and httpsjms services use different configuration properties, described in Appendix C, HTTP/HTTPS Support). Static ports are generally used only in special situations, however, such as in making connections through a firewall (see Connecting Through a Firewall), and are not recommended for general use.

Note –

In cases where two or more hosts are available (such as when more than one network interface card is installed in a computer), you can use broker properties to specify which host the connection services should bind to. The imq.hostname property designates a single default host for all connection services; this can then be overridden, if necessary, with imq.serviceName. protocolType.hostname (for the jms, ssljms, admin, or ssladmin service) or imq.portmapper.hostname (for the Port Mapper itself).

When multiple Port Mapper requests are received concurrently, they are stored in an operating system backlog while awaiting action. The imq.portmapper.backlog property specifies the maximum number of such backlogged requests. When this limit is exceeded, any further requests will be rejected until the backlog is reduced.