Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Directory Variable Conventions

Message Queue makes use of three directory variables; how they are set varies from platform to platform. Table P–4 describes these variables and how they are used on the SolarisTM, Linux, and Windows platforms.

Note –

In this manual, these directory variables are shown without platform-specific environment variable notation or syntax (such as $IMQ_HOME on UNIX). Non-platform-specific pathnames use UNIX directory separator (/) notation.

Table P–4 Directory Variable Conventions




Message Queue home directory:  

  • Unused on Solaris and Linux; there is no Message Queue home directory.

  • On Windows, denotes the directory mqInstallHome\mq, where mqInstallHome is the installation home directory specified when the product was installed (by default, C:\Program Files\Sun\MessageQueue).

Note –

The information above applies only to the standalone installation of Message Queue. When Message Queue is installed and run as part of a Sun Java System Application Server installation, IMQ_HOME is set to appServerInstallDir/imq, where appServerInstallDir is the Application Server installation directory.


Directory in which Message Queue temporary or dynamically created configuration and data files are stored; can be set as an environment variable to point to any directory.  

  • On Solaris, defaults to /var/imq.

  • On Linux, defaults to /var/opt/sun/mq.

  • On Windows, defaults to IMQ_HOME\var.

Note –

The information above applies only to the standalone installation of Message Queue. When Message Queue is installed and run as part of a Sun Java System Application Server installation, IMQ_VARHOME is set to appServerDomainDir/imq, where appServerDomainDir is the domain directory for the domain starting the Message Queue broker.


Location of the Java runtime environment (JRE) used by Message Queue executables.