Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Using the User Manager Utility

The Message Queue User Manager utility (imqusermgr) enables you to populate or edit a flat-file user repository. SeeUser Manager Utility for general reference information about the syntax, subcommands, and options of the imqusermgr command.

User Manager Preliminaries

Before using the User Manager, keep the following things in mind:

Subcommands and General Options

Table 9–2 lists the subcommands of the imqusermgr command. For full reference information about these subcommands, see Table 15–15.

Table 9–2 User Manager Subcommands




Add user and password to repository 


Delete user from repository 


Set user’s password or active status (or both) 


Display user information 

The general options listed in Table 9–3 apply to all subcommands of the imqusermgr command.

Table 9–3 General User Manager Options




Perform action without user confirmation 


Silent mode (no output displayed) 


Display version information [Any other options specified on the command line are ignored. ]


Display usage help

Displaying the Product Version

To display the Message Queue product version, use the -v option. For example:

   imqusermgr  -v

If you enter an imqusermgr command line containing the -v option in addition to a subcommand or other options, the User Manager utility processes only the -v option. All other items on the command line are ignored.

Displaying Help

To display help on the imqusermgr command, use the -h option, and do not use a subcommand. You cannot get help about specific subcommands.

For example, the following command displays help about imqusermgr:

   imqusermgr  -h

If you enter an imqusermgr command line containing the -h option in addition to a subcommand or other options, the Command utility processes only the -h option. All other items on the command line are ignored.

Adding a User to the Repository

The subcommand imqusermgr add adds an entry to the user repository, consisting of a user name and password:

   imqusermgr add  [-i brokerName]
                    -u userName  -p password
                   [-g group]

The -u and -p options specify the user name and password, respectively, for the new entry. These must conform to the following conventions:

The optional -g option specifies the group (admin, user, or anonymous) to which the new user belongs; if no group is specified, the user is assigned to the user group by default. If the broker name (-i option) is omitted, the default broker imqbroker is assumed.

For example, the following command creates a user entry on broker imqbroker for a user named AliBaba, with password Sesame, in the admin group:

   imqusermgr add  -u AliBaba  -p Sesame  -g admin

Deleting a User From the Repository

The subcommand imqusermgr delete deletes a user entry from the repository:

   imqusermgr delete  [-i brokerName]
                       -u userName

The -u option specifies the user name of the entry to be deleted. If the broker name (-i option) is omitted, the default broker imqbroker is assumed.

For example, the following command deletes the user named AliBaba from the user repository on broker imqbroker:

   imqusermgr delete  -u AliBaba

Changing a User’s Password

You can use the subcommand imqusermgr update to change a user’s password:

   imqusermgr update  [-i brokerName]
                       -u userName  -p password

The -u identifies the user; -p specifies the new password. If the broker name (-i option) is omitted, the default broker imqbroker is assumed.

For example, the following command changes the password for user AliBaba to Shazam on broker imqbroker:

   imqusermgr update  -u AliBaba  -p Shazam

Note –

For the sake of security, you should change the password of the admin user from its initial default value (admin) to one that is known only to you. The following command changes the default administrator password for broker mybroker to veeblefetzer:

   imqusermgr update  -i mybroker  -u admin  -p veeblefetzer

You can quickly confirm that this change is in effect by running any of the command line tools when the broker is running. For example, the following command will prompt you for a password:

   imqcmd list svc  mybroker  -u admin

Entering the new password (veeblefetzer) should work; the old password should fail.

After changing the password, you should supply the new password whenever you use any of the Message Queue administration tools, including the Administration Console.

Activating or Deactivating a User

The imqusermgr update subcommand can also be used to change a user’s active status:

   imqusermgr update  [-i brokerName]
                       -u userName  -a activeStatus

The -u identifies the user; -a is a boolean value specifying the user’s new status as active (true) or inactive (false). If the broker name (-i option) is omitted, the default broker imqbroker is assumed.

For example, the following command sets user AliBaba’s status to inactive on broker imqbroker:

   imqusermgr update  -u AliBaba  -a false

This renders AliBabe unable to open new broker connections.

You can combine the -p (password) and -a (active status) options in the same imqusermgr update command. The options may appear in either order: for example, both of the following commands activate the user entry for AliBaba and set the password to plugh:

   imqusermgr update  -u AliBaba  -p plugh  -a true
   imqusermgr update  -u AliBaba  -a true  -p plugh

Viewing User Information

The imqusermgr list command displays information about a user in the user repository:

   imqusermgr list  [-i brokerName]
                    [-u userName]

The command

   imqusermgr list  -u AliBaba

displays information about user AliBabe, as shown in Example 9–1.

Example 9–1 Viewing Information for a Single User

User repository for broker instance: imqbroker
User Name    Group    Active State
AliBaba      admin    true

If you omit the -u option

   imqusermgr list

the command lists information about all users in the repository, as in Example 9–2.

Example 9–2 Viewing Information for All Users

User repository for broker instance: imqbroker
User Name    Group        Active State
admin        admin        true
guest        anonymous    true
AliBaba      admin        true
testuser1    user         true
testuser2    user         true
testuser3    user         true
testuser4    user         false
testuser5    user         false