Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Client Identifier

The Java Message Service Specification requires that a connection provide a unique client identifier whenever the broker must maintain a persistent state on behalf of a client. Message Queue uses such client identifiers to keep track of durable subscribers to a topic destination. When a durable subscriber becomes inactive, the broker retains all incoming messages for the topic and delivers them when the subscriber becomes active again. The broker identifies the subscriber by means of its client identifier.

While it is possible for a client application to set its own client identifier programmatically using the connection object’s setClientID method, this makes it difficult to coordinate client identifiers to ensure that each is unique. It is generally better to have Message Queue automatically assign a unique identifier when creating a connection on behalf of a client. This can be done by setting the connection factory’s imqConfiguredClientID attribute to a value of the form


The characters ${u} must be the first four characters of the attribute value. (Any character other than u between the braces will cause an exception to be thrown on connection creation; in any other position, these characters have no special meaning and will be treated as plain text.) The value for factoryID is a character string uniquely associated with this connection factory object.

When creating a connection for a particular client, Message Queue will construct a client identifier by replacing the characters ${u} with ${u:userName}, where userName is the user name authenticated for the connection. This ensures that connections created by a given connection factory, although identical in all other respects, will each have their own unique client identifier. For example, if the user name is Calvin and the string specified for the connection factory’s imqConfiguredClientID attribute is ${u}Hobbes, the client identifier assigned will be ${u:Calvin}Hobbes.

Note –

This scheme will not work if two clients both attempt to obtain connections using the default user name guest, since each would have a client identifier with the same ${u} component. In this case, only the first client to request a connection will get one; the second client’s connection attempt will fail, because Message Queue cannot create two connections with the same client identifier.

Even if you specify a client identifier with imqConfiguredClientID, client applications can override this setting with the connection method setClientID. You can prevent this by setting the connection factory’s imqDisableSetClientID attribute to true. Note that for an application that uses durable subscribers, the client identifier must be set one way or the other: either administratively with imqConfiguredClientID or programmatically with setClientID.