Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Baseline Use Patterns

Once a messaging application is deployed and running, it is important to establish baseline use patterns. You want to know when peak demand occurs and you want to be able to quantify that demand. For example, demand normally fluctuates by number of end users, activity levels, time of day, or all of these.

To establish baseline use patterns you need to monitor your message service over an extended period of time, looking at data such as the following:

You can also use average and peak values provided in metrics data.

It is important to check these baseline metrics against design expectations. By doing so, you are checking that client code is behaving properly: for example, that connections are not being left open or that consumed messages are not being left unacknowledged. These coding errors consume broker resources and could significantly affect performance.

The base-line use patterns help you determine how to tune your system for optimal performance. For example:

In general, the more you know about use patterns, the better you are able to tune your system to those patterns and to plan for future needs.