Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Application Design Factors Affecting Performance

Application design decisions can have a significant effect on overall messaging performance.

The most important factors affecting performance are those that affect the reliability of message delivery. Among these are the following:

Other application design factors affecting performance are the following:

The sections that follow describe the effect of each of these factors on messaging performance. As a general rule, there is a tradeoff between performance and reliability: factors that increase reliability tend to decrease performance.

Table 13–1 shows how the various application design factors generally affect messaging performance. The table shows two scenarios—one high-reliability, low-performance, and one high-performance, low-reliability—and the choices of application design factors that characterize each. Between these extremes, there are many choices and tradeoffs that affect both reliability and performance.

Table 13–1 Comparison of High-Reliability and High-Performance Scenarios

Application Design Factor 

High-Reliability, Low-Performance Scenario 

High-Performance, Low-Reliability Scenario 

Delivery mode 

Persistent messages 

Nonpersistent messages 

Use of transactions 

Transacted sessions 

No transactions 

Acknowledgment mode 



Durable/nondurable subscriptions 

Durable subscriptions 

Nondurable subscriptions 

Use of selectors 

Message filtering 

No message filtering 

Message size 

Large number of small messages 

Small number of large messages 

Message body type 

Complex body types 

Simple body types 

Delivery Mode (Persistent/Nonpersistent Messages)

Persistent messages guarantee message delivery in case of broker failure. The broker stores the message in a persistent store until all intended consumers acknowledge they have consumed the message.

Broker processing of persistent messages is slower than for nonpersistent messages for the following reasons:

For both queues and topics with durable subscribers, performance was approximately 40% faster for nonpersistent messages. We obtained these results using 10k-sized messages and AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.

Use of Transactions

A transaction is a guarantee that all messages produced in a transacted session and all messages consumed in a transacted session will be either processed or not processed (rolled back) as a unit.

Message Queue supports both local and distributed transactions.

A message produced or acknowledged in a transacted session is slower than in a nontransacted session for the following reasons:

Note –

To improve performance, Message Queue message brokers are configured by default to use a memory-mapped file to store transaction data. On file systems that do not support memory-mapped files, you can disable this behavior by setting the broker property imq.persist.file.transaction.memorymappedfile.enabled to false.

Acknowledgment Mode

One mechanism for ensuring the reliability of JMS message delivery is for a client to acknowledge consumption of messages delivered to it by the Message Queue broker.

If a session is closed without the client acknowledging the message or if the broker fails before the acknowledgment is processed, the broker redelivers that message, setting a JMSRedelivered flag.

For a nontransacted session, the client can choose one of three acknowledgment modes, each of which has its own performance characteristics:

(Using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode is similar to using transactions, except there is no guarantee that all acknowledgments will be processed together if a provider fails during processing.)

Acknowledgment mode affects performance for the following reasons:

Durable and Nondurable Subscriptions

Subscribers to a topic destination fall into two categories, those with durable and nondurable subscriptions.

Durable subscriptions provide increased reliability but slower throughput, for the following reasons:

We compared performance for durable and nondurable subscribers in two cases: persistent and nonpersistent 10k-sized messages. Both cases use AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgment mode. We found an effect on performance only in the case of persistent messages which slowed durables by about 30%

Use of Selectors (Message Filtering)

Application developers often want to target sets of messages to particular consumers. They can do so either by targeting each set of messages to a unique physical destination or by using a single physical destination and registering one or more selectors for each consumer.

A selector is a string requesting that only messages with property values that match the string are delivered to a particular consumer. For example, the selector NumberOfOrders >1 delivers only the messages with a NumberOfOrders property value of 2 or more.

Creating consumers with selectors lowers performance (as compared to using multiple physical destinations) because additional processing is required to handle each message. When a selector is used, it must be parsed so that it can be matched against future messages. Additionally, the message properties of each message must be retrieved and compared against the selector as each message is routed. However, using selectors provides more flexibility in a messaging application.

Message Size

Message size affects performance because more data must be passed from producing client to broker and from broker to consuming client, and because for persistent messages a larger message must be stored.

However, by batching smaller messages into a single message, the routing and processing of individual messages can be minimized, providing an overall performance gain. In this case, information about the state of individual messages is lost.

In our tests, which compared throughput in kilobytes per second for 1k, 10k, and 100k-sized messages to a queue destination and AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgment mode, we found that nonpersistent messaging was about 50% faster for 1k messages, about 20% faster for 10k messages, and about 5% faster for 100k messages. The size of the message affected performance significantly for both persistent and nonpersistent messages. 100k messages are about 10 times faster than 10k, and 10k are about 5 times faster than 1k.

Message Body Type

JMS supports five message body types, shown below roughly in the order of complexity:

While, in general, the message type is dictated by the needs of an application, the more complicated types (MapMessage and ObjectMessage) carry a performance cost: the expense of serializing and deserializing the data. The performance cost depends on how simple or how complicated the data is.