Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Deploy the HTTP or HTTPS Tunnel Servlet

  1. Deploy the tunnel servlet:

    1. In the Web-based administration GUI, choose

         App Server>Instances>appServerInstance>Applications>Web Applications

      where appServerInstance is the Application Server instance on which you are deploying the tunnel servlet.

    2. Click the Deploy button.

  2. Specify the .war file location:

    1. Enter the location of the tunnel servlet’s Web archive file (imqhttp.war or imqhttps.war) in the File Path text field.

      The file is located in the Message Queue installation directory containing .jar, .war, and .rar files, depending on your operating system platform (see Appendix A, Platform-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data).

    2. Click the OK button.

  3. Specify the context root directory:

    1. Enter the /contextRoot portion of the tunnel servlet’s URL.

      The URL has the form




      For example, if the URL for the tunnel servlet is


      the value you enter would be

    2. Click the OK button.

      A confirmation screen appears, showing that the tunnel servlet has been successfully deployed and is enabled by default. The servlet is now available at the URL




      where contextRoot is the context root directory you specified in step a above. Clients can now use this URL to connect to the message service using an HTTP or HTTPS connection.

  4. Modify the server’s security policy file

    Once you have deployed the HTTP or HTTPS tunnel servlet, you must grant it the appropriate permissions by modifying the Application Server’s security policy file, as described in the next procedure.