Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Connect Brokers Using Instance Configuration Files

  1. For each broker in the cluster:

    1. Start the broker with the imqbrokerd command.

      The first time a broker instance is run, an instance configuration file ( is automatically created.

    2. Shut down the broker.

      Use the imqcmd shutdown bkr command.

    3. Edit the instance configuration file to specify the broker’s high-availability-related configuration properties.

      High-Availability Cluster Properties shows the required property values.

    4. Specify any additional, vendor-specific properties that might be needed.

      The vendor-specific properties required for MySQL and HADB are shown in Example 8–1 and Example 8–2, respectively.

  2. Place a copy of, or a symbolic link to, your JDBC driver’s .jar file in the Message Queue external resource files directory, depending on your platform (see Appendix A, Platform-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data):

      Solaris: /usr/share/lib/imq/ext

      Linux: /opt/sun/mq/share/lib/ext

      Windows: IMQ_VARHOME\lib\ext

  3. Create the database schema needed for Message Queue persistence.

    Use the imqdbmgr create tbl command; see Database Manager Utility.

  4. Restart each broker with the imqbrokerd command.

    The brokers will automatically register themselves into the cluster on startup.