Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

RMI Registry Configuration

You can configure the broker to do any of the following:

The choice of using or not using an RMI registry depends upon whether you want a static or dynamic JMX Service URL, respectively. The advantages and disadvantages of using an RMI registry are shown in the following table.

Table D–1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using an RMI Registry


Broker Configuration 



Using a Registry 

(Static JMX Service URL) 

Configuration Properties: 




The value of the JMX Service URL is constant across broker restarts. 

Broker depends on an RMI registry, either one it starts or one that is externally available. There is therefore one more port to worry about with regard to port conflicts or firewall configurations. 

Not Using a Registry 

(Dynamic JMX Service URL) 


Broker does not start up an RMI registry. There is therefore one less port to worry about with regard to port conflicts or firewall configurations. 

The value of the JMX Service URL changes at every broker startup. JMX applications need to be provided a new URL every time the broker restarts. (This is not an issue with JMX client applications that use the AdminConnectionFactory class.)

If a registry is being used, the imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port property specifies the port number for the RMI registry. For convenience, you can also specify these RMI registry related properties by using equivalent Broker utility (imqbrokerd) options at broker startup: -startRmiRegistry, -useRmiRegistry, and -rmiRegistryPort, respectively (see Table 15–1).

Static JMX Service URL: Using an RMI Registry

When using an RMI Registry to store a JMX connector stub, the urlpath portion of the JMX service URL (see The JMX Service URL) does not change across broker startups and has the following form:


This path consists of two segments:

Example D–1 JMX Service URL When Using an RMI Registry

The following example shows the JMX service URL for the default jmxrmi connector in the case where an RMI registry is started on port 1098 on a host called yourhost:

# imqbrokerd -startRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 1098

% imqcmd list jmx -u admin -passfile /myDir/psswds
Listing JMX Connectors on the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

Name      Active URL
jmxrmi    true   service:jmx:rmi://yourhost/jndi/rmi://yourhost:1098
ssljmxrmi false

Successfully listed JMX Connectors.

The JMX service URL could potentially contain a hostname and port three separate times, indicating the location of the JMX connector, the RMI registry, and the broker, respectively.

Dynamic JMX Service URL: Not Using an RMI Registry

When not using an RMI Registry to store a JMX connector stub, the urlpath portion of the JMX service URL is dynamically generated at broker startup and has the following form:


where the string following /stub/ is the is the serialized JMX connector stub encoded in BASE64 (shortened above for legibility)

Example D–2 JMX Service URL When Not Using an RMI Registry

The following example shows the JMX service URL for the default jmxrmi connector when no RMI registry is started by the broker and no existing registry is used.

# imqbrokerd

% imqcmd list jmx -u admin -passfile /myDir/psswds
Listing JMX Connectors on the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

Name      Active  URL
jmxrmi    true    service:jmx:rmi://yourhost/stub/rO0ABdmVyLlJlpIDJy==

ssljmxrmi false

Successfully listed JMX Connectors.