Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Developer's Guide for C Clients

Callback Type for Asynchronous Message Consumption in Distributed Transactions

MQMessageListenerBAFunc is the type of the callback functions of before/after MQMessageListenerFunc for asynchronous message receiving from a distributed transaction session.

The MQMessageListenerBAFunc type has the following definition:

MQError (* MQMessageListenerBAFunc)(
                const MQSessionHandle  sessionHandle,
                const MQConsumerHandle  consumerHandle,
                MQMessageHandle  messageHandle
                MQError  errorCode
                void * callbackData);



The handle to the session to which this consumer belongs. The client runtime specifies this handle when it calls your message listener.


A handle to the consumer receiving the message. The client runtime specifies this handle when it calls your message listener.


A handle to the incoming message. The client runtime specifies this handle when it calls your message listener.


Client runtime processing status that is passed to the before/after callback functions.


The void pointer that is passed to the function MQCreateAsyncMessageConsumer.

Note –

What additional information is needed for his function type?