Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Administration Guide

Example Request Filtering Policy and Search Data Hiding Rule

The following examples contain a request filtering policy and a search data hiding rule. When the request filtering policy is combined with the search data hiding rule, access to data is limited as follows:

Example 25–1 Sample Request Filtering Policy

allow-add-operations                :  false
allow-bind-operations               :  true
allow-compare-operations            :  true
allow-delete-operations             :  false
allow-extended-operations           :  false
allow-inequality-search-operations  :  true
allow-modify-operations             :  false
allow-rename-operations             :  false
allow-search-operations             :  true
allowed-comparable-attrs            :  all
allowed-search-scopes               :  base
allowed-search-scopes               :  one-level
allowed-search-scopes               :  subtree
allowed-subtrees                    :  ou=people,dc=sun,dc=com
description                         :  myRequestFilteringPolicy
prohibited-comparable-attrs         :  none
prohibited-subtrees                 :  none

Example 25–2 Sample Search Data Hiding Rule

attrs                              :  -
rule-action                        :  hide-entry
target-attr-value-assertions       :  objectclass:inetorgperson
target-dn-regular-expressions      :  -
target-dns                         :  -