Sun Java System Application Server 7 Update 11 Release Notes

Command Line Interface (CLI)

This section describes the known command-line interface issues and associated solutions.




CLI command overflows in single-mode if the command is more than 256 characters long.

On UNIX(R), when executing a CLI command in single-mode that contains more than 256 characters, the command fails with this error: ...Command Not Found...

This is a terminal restriction, not a CLI restriction. 


create-jdbc-connection-pool --instance server4 --datasourceuser admin --datasourcepassword adminadmin --datasourceclassname test --datasourceurl test --minpoolsize=8 --maxpoolsize=32 --maxwait=60000 --poolresize=2 --idletimeout=300 --connectionvalidate=false --validationmethod=auto-commit --failconnection=false --description test sample_connectionpoolid)


  1. For commands that require more than 256 characters, use CLI multi-mode.

  2. If you must use single-mode, run the command using OpenWin cmdtool.


After configuring an instance to use SSL, the administrator cannot access the Admin Server from either the CLI or browser clients.


Import the Sun Java System Application Server certificate into each client that is to use SSL to access the Admin Server, and indicate that servers with such a certificate are to be trusted. How to do this on a browser is browser-specific; consult your browser’s online help to see how to import a certificate to be trusted. 

For the CLI, if the server’s certificate is in some servercert.cer file, and the installation directory is /INSTALL, the command is:

keytool -import -file servercert.cer -alias server -keystore /INSTALL/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts

NOTE: To avoid this problem in the future, ensure that the Admin Server certificate is installed in both the server and the client(s) before configuring the Admin Server to use SSL.


Using the asterisk (*) character in single-mode CLI command results in unexpected behavior and/or error messages.

The asterisk character is being expanded by the underlying shell into a list of names, and it is this list of names that is being seen by the command-line interface (CLI) command. Putting quote marks around the asterisk prevents the shell from expanding the asterisk, and thus the CLI gets to see the asterisk itself. 


Use quote characters (either single or double quotes) around the asterisk. 


Repeated changes applied to any instance eventually results in an out of memory error.

The Admin Server keeps a record of all changes performed to the system, which requires memory. This change record (but not the changes themselves) is discarded during a reconfiguration, thus releasing the memory for use. 


Use the asadmin reconfig command periodically to discard old change records.


Cleanup does not happen when a call to create a duplicate domain fails.

When a domain that already exists is created, an appropriate error message is generated. However, a directory specified by the -path option in the create-domain command is created if it did not exist earlier. This should be removed since the command failed.


Remove any additional empty directory specified that might be created after the -path option is used.


Cannot monitor the default (pointbase) connection-pool JDBC resources.

The JDBC connection pools are created dynamically on demand, which means that a pool is created the first time it is used. If the pool has not been created (not used), monitoring is not possible. 


Create the desired connection pool to allow monitoring. 


Monitoring: Execution times of less than 1 millisecond cannot be measured.

When an entity bean method is monitored, the execution-time-millis attribute shows -1. For example, when running the command:

iasadmin>get -m server1.application.usecase1app.ejb-module.UseCase1Ejb_jar.entity-bean.BeanOne.bean-method.method_create0.*

The following attributes are returned: 

Attribute name = total-num-errors Value = 0Attribute name = method-name Value = public abstractcom.iplanet.ias.perf.jts.UseCase1.ejb.BeanOneRemotecom.iplanet.ias.perf.jts.UseCase1.ejb.BeanOneHome.create() throwsjavax.ejb.CreateException,java.rmi.RemoteExceptionAttribute name = total-num-calls Value = 0Attribute name = total-num-success Value = 0Attribute name = execution-time-millis Value = -1

Before monitoring is started, the default value for execution-time-millis is set to -1 to indicate that the value for that attribute is invalid at that moment. A default value of 0 would give a false impression that the execution time has been measured, and that it has turned out to be a very small value.




Verifier error reported in Administration interface when viewing Persistence Manager Factory resource created from command-line interface.

When a Persistence Manager Factory resource is viewed in the Administration interface, the following error is reported for the resource when it is created from the command-line interface: 

ArgChecker Failure: Validation failed for jndiName: object must be non-null




On Solaris, the flexanlg command causes open failure when used on Sun Java System Application Server that is integrated into Solaris.

If you are running a version that is integrated into the Solaris operating environment, and you use the flexanlg command from /usr/appserver/bin, an open failure error is displayed. /usr/appserver/bin/flexanlg: fatal: open failed: No such file or directoryKilled


Complete these steps. 

  1. Add the following entry to LD_LIBRARY_PATH file:


  2. Then run the flexanlg command.

    % /usr/appserver/bin/flexanlg


Some CLI commands do not work on the target Admin Server.

The create, delete, or list commands do not work in the CLI on the target Admin Server for creating/deleting/listing new elements (such as SSL, mime, profiler, resources, and so on) in the server.xml file of the Admin Server.


Use the Akministration Console to create, delete, and list elements in the Admin Server.