Sun Java System Application Server 7 Update 11 Release Notes

Sun Java System Studio 4 Plug-in

This section describes the known Sun Java System Studio 4, Enterprise Edition (formerly known as Forte for Java) issues and associated solutions.




Error occurs when spaces are specified in directories to be used by Sun Java System Studio 4.

Sun Java System Studio 4 does not install correctly if a space is used in the directory structure. The installer checks for spaces in the install path, and, if found, displays an error dialog. 


Do not use a space when specifying the install directory for the Sun Java System Studio 4 component of Sun Java System Application Server. 


ConnectionException was thrown while establishing a connection to the debugger.

Sun Java System Studio 4 prompts many times asking if you want to create a new debugging session and then throws the exception. 


Restart the IDE. 


Using MAD environment in FFJ causes side effects.

Intermittent side effects occur when using MAD configurations with Sun Java System Studio 4. 


Don’t use Sun Java System Studio 4 with MAD configurations. 


Pre-configured Sun Java System specific property values do not appear in the editor.

If you have a RAR file that has been configured for deployment to the Sun Java System Application Server, and try to look at the property values in the property sheet, you will see the default values, not the values specified in the sun-ra.xml file.


Extract the Sun-specific descriptor XML file from the RAR and put it in the same directory as the RAR.This allows you to edit the s1as descriptors.

NOTE: The original contents of the RAR file will not be changed as a result of user edits this way, but the RAR file sent to the server will have the updated XML file in it. 


EJB name changes applied at Application node are undeployable.

It is possible to change the ejb-name element of a bean in the context of an application by using the dialog presented when the you select the View EJB Names item of an application node’s contextual menu (right click menu). These changes are applied to the alt-dd that is created as part of the packaging. The name change is not propagated to the Sun Java System Application Server alt-dd.




If only Admin Client is installed, App Client cannot be run.

If only Admin Client or Sun Java System Studio Plug-in is installed, you cannot run an App Client application. App Client is a separate package from Admin Client. 


Install the App Client package. Get either a full installation (appclient script is under SUNONE_INSTALL_ROOT/bin), or get the appclient package from a remote machine where the Sun Java System Application Server installed.

To get appclient package:

  1. Run SUNONE_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/package-appclient[.bat]

    This generates appclient.jar file in SUNONE_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/appclient/appclient.jar

  2. Distribute the appclient.jar to the remote machine that does not have the Sun Java System Application Server installed, then unjar appclient.jar. You should get an appclient directory containing all App Client libraries and JAR files.

  3. Modify the bin/appclient script that is packed in the appclient.jar file before first use. The %CONFIG_HOME% string should be substituted by the real path to asenv.conf (or asenv.bat for Windows 2000.)

  4. Configure asenv.conf (asenv.bat for Microsoft Windows) as follows:


    NOTE: The appclient.jar file is only intended to be run from a remote machine that has the same operating system as the machine where it was created. For example, appclient.jar created on a Solaris platform will not function on Windows 2000.

    For details, see the package-appclient manpage.