Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Administration Guide

Installing Apache

This section contains the following topics:

Minimum Requirements for Apache 1.3

This section describes the minimum requirements to successfully compile Apache 1.3 web server to run the load balancer plug-in. The Apache source must be compiled and built to run with SSL.

Requirements for UNIX and Linux platforms:

For requirements on Microsoft Windows platforms, see

Requirements for other platforms:

In addition, before compiling Apache:

Note –

Minimum Requirements for Apache 2

This section describes the minimum requirements to successfully compile Apache 2 web server to run the load balancer plug-in. The Apache source must be compiled and built to run with SSL.

Requirements for UNIX and Linux platforms:

For requirements on Microsoft Windows platforms, see

Requirements for other platforms:

In addition, before compiling Apache:

Note –

ProcedureTo install SSL-aware Apache

For instructions on compiling and installing Apache on Microsoft Windows platforms, see the following web sites:

Apache 1.3:

Apache 2:

Before You Begin

You must have already downloaded and uncompressed the Apache software.

  1. Compile and build OpenSSL. For more information about OpenSSL, see

    This step is not required on the Linux platform if the version of OpenSSL installed with Linux is 0.9.7.e.

    Download and unpack the OpenSSL source.

    1. cd openssl-0.9.7e

    2. make

    3. make install

  2. For Apache 1.3, configure Apache with mod_ssl. You do not need to complete this step for Apache 2. For more information about mod_ssl, see

    Unpack the mod_ssl source and follow these steps.

    1. cd mod_ssl-2.8.14-1.3.x

    2. Run ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x --with-ssl=../openssl-0.9.7e --prefix=install-dir--enable-module=ssl --enable-shared=ssl --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-module=so

      The directory specified in the above command example is a variable. The prefix argument indicates where to install Apache. The x in the version number represents your actual version.

  3. For Apache 2.0, configure the source tree:

    1. cd to the http-2.0_x directory.

    2. Run ./configure --with-ssl=open-ssl-install-path --prefix=install-dir --enable-ssl --enable-so

      The directory specified in the above command example is a variable. The prefix argument indicates where to install Apache. The x in the version number represents your actual version.

  4. For Apache on Linux 2.1, before compiling:

    1. Open src/MakeFile and find the end of the automatically generated section.

    2. Add the following lines after the first four lines after the automatically generated section:

      LIBS+= -licuuc -licui18n -lnspr4 -lpthread -lxerces-c -lsupport -lnsprwrap -lns-httpd40

      LDFLAGS+= -L/install-dir/lib -L/opt/sun/private/lib

      Note –

      The -L/opt/sun/private/lib part is only required if you installed Application Server as part of a Java Enterprise System installation.

      For example:

      ## (End of automatically generated section)##


      LIBS+= -licuuc -licui18n -lnspr4 -lpthread -lxerces-c -lsupport -lnsprwrap -lns-httpd40LDFLAGS+= -L/install-dir/lib -L/opt/sun/private/lib

    3. Create an environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH equal to: install-dir/lib (for all installations) and install-dir/lib:opt/sun/private/lib (for Application Server installed as part of a Java Enterprise System installation).

  5. Compile Apache as described in the installation instructions for the version you are using. Full documentation is at

    In general the steps are:

    1. make

    2. make certificate (Apache 1.3 only)

    3. make install

      The command make certificate asks for a secure password. Remember this password as it is required for starting secure Apache.

  6. Configure Apache for your environment.

    Once you have completed the Apache installation, see “Modifications to Apache Web Server” after plug-in installation.