Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Developer's Guide

Access to MBean Attributes

An AMX MBean Attribute is accessible in three ways:

All dotted names that are accessible via the command line interface are available as Attributes within a single MBean. This includes properties, which are Attributes beginning with the prefix property., for example,

Note –

Certain attributes that may be of a specific type, such as int, are declared as java.lang.String. This is because the value of the attribute may be a template of a form such as ${HTTP_LISTENER_PORT}.

Note –

An application or module MBean has two enabled attributes. To get the correct state of the application or module, look up the enabled attribute under the application-ref.

To look up an application-ref in JConsole, select the following:

com.sun.appserv -> application-ref -> app-or-module-name -> server -> config

The attributes, including enabled, are listed under config.