Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Administration Reference

Element Hierarchy

The element hierarchy for the domain.xml file is as follows. To make the hierarchy more readable, elements having property as their last or only subelement are marked with a P, and the property subelements are not shown. Parent/child relationships between elements are shown, but not cardinality. For those details, see the element descriptions.

domain P
.    applications
.    .    lifecycle-module P
.    .   .    description
.    .    j2ee-application
.    .   .    description
.    .    web-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    ejb-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    appclient-module
.    .   .    description
.    resources
.    .    custom-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    external-jndi-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    jdbc-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    mail-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    persistence-manager-factory-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    admin-object-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    resource-adapter-config P
.    .    jdbc-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .   .    security-map
.    .   .    .    principal
.    .   .    .    user-group
.    .   .    .    backend-principal
.    configs
.    .    config P
.    .   .    http-service P
.    .   .    .    http-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    virtual-server P
.    .   .    iiop-service
.    .   .    .    orb P
.    .   .    .    ssl-client-config
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    iiop-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    admin-service P
.    .   .    .    das-config P
.    .   .    connector-service
.    .   .    web-container P
.    .   .    .    session-config
.    .   .    .   .    session-manager
.    .   .    .   .    .    manager-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    .    store-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    session-properties P
.    .   .    ejb-container P
.    .   .    .    ejb-timer-service P
.    .   .    mdb-container P
.    .   .    jms-service P
.    .   .    .    jms-host P
.    .   .    log-service P
.    .   .    .    module-log-levels P
.    .   .    security-service P
.    .   .    .    auth-realm P
.    .   .    .    jacc-provider P
.    .   .    .    audit-module P
.    .   .    .    message-security-config
.    .   .    .   .    provider-config P
.    .   .    .   .    .    request-policy
.    .   .    .   .    .    response-policy
.    .   .    transaction-service P
.    .   .    monitoring-service P
.    .   .    .    module-monitoring-levels P
.    .   .    java-config P
.    .   .    .    profiler P
.    .   .    .   .    jvm-options
.    .   .    .    jvm-options
.    .   .    thread-pools
.    .   .    .    thread-pool
.    .   .    alert-service P
.    .   .    .    alert-subscription
.    .   .    .   .    listener-config P
.    .   .    .   .    filter-config P
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    servers
.    .    server P
.    .   .    application-ref
.    .   .    resource-ref
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    system-property
.    .    description