Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Reference Manual
 create-connector-resource —registers the connector resource with the specified JNDI name ( Index Term Link )
 create-connector-security-map ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-connection-pool — registers the JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
 create-jndi-resource — registers a JNDI resource ( Index Term Link )
 create-jvm-options — creates the JVM options from the Java configuration or profiler elements ( Index Term Link )
 delete-connector-resource —removes the connector resource with the specified JNDI name ( Index Term Link )
 delete-custom-resource—removes a custom resource ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jdbc-connection-pool — removes the specified JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jdbc-resource — removes a JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jndi-resource — removes a JNDI resource ( Index Term Link )
 list-application-refs — lists the existing application references ( Index Term Link )
 list-connector-resources — gets all connector resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-file-users — creates a list of file users ( Index Term Link )
 list-jndi-entries — browses and queries the JNDI tree ( Index Term Link )
 list-jndi-resources — lists all existing JNDI resources ( Index Term Link )
 template — template for documenting manpages for the Sun Java System Application Server ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 browses and queries the JNDI tree — list-jndi-entries ( Index Term Link )
 creates a list of file users — list-file-users ( Index Term Link )
 creates the JVM options from the Java configuration or profiler elements — create-jvm-options ( Index Term Link )
 gets all connector resources — templatelist-connector-resources ( Index Term Link )
 lists all existing JNDI resources— list-jndi-resources ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing application references— list-application-refs ( Index Term Link )
 registers a JNDI resource— create-jndi-resource ( Index Term Link )
 registers the connector resource with the specified JNDI name — create-connector—resource ( Index Term Link )
 registers the JDBC connection pool — create-jdbc-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
 removes a custom resource — delete-custom-resource ( Index Term Link )
 removes a JCBC resource— delete-jdbc-resource ( Index Term Link )
 removes a JNDI resource— delete-jndi-resource ( Index Term Link )
 removes the connector resource with the specified JNDI name — delete-connector—resource ( Index Term Link )
 removes the specified JDBC connection pool —delete-jdbc-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
 template for documenting manpages for the Sun Java System Application Server — template ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tests that a connection pool is usable — ping-connection-pools ( Index Term Link )