Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Upgrade and Migration Guide

Application Logic Components (Servlets)

Component name 



Authenticates the user with the BankTeller session bean (authCheck() method), creates the HTTP session and saves information pertaining to the user in the session.Upon successful authentication, forwards request to the main menu page (UserMenu.jsp)


Retrieves customer and branch details from the Customer and Branch entity beans and forwards request to the view/edit details page (CustomerProfile.jsp).


Attempts to effect customer details changes amended in CustomerProfile.jsp by updating the Customer entity bean after checking validity of changes. Redirects to UpdatedDetails.jsp if success, or to DetailsUpdateFailed.jsp in case of incorrect input.


Retrieves the list of customer accounts from the BankTeller session bean (getAccountSummary() method) and forwards request to AccountSummary.jsp for display.


Retrieves the list of customer accounts from the BankTeller session bean (getAccountSummary() method) and forwards request to TransferFunds.jsp allowing the user to set up the transfer operation.


Checks the validity of source and destination accounts selected by the user for transfer and the amount entered. Calls the transferFunds() method of the BankTeller session bean to perform the transfer operation. Redirects the user to CheckTransferFailed.jsp in case of input error or processing error, or to TransferSuccess.jsp if the operation was successfully carried out.


Retrieves the interest calculation parameters defined by the user in InterestCalc.jsp and calls the projectEarnings() method of the InterestCalculator stateless session bean to perform the calculation, and forwards results to the ShowProjectionResults.jsp page for display. In case of invalid input, redirects to BadIntCalcInput.jsp