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Sun Java System Identity Manager 2005Q4M3 Technical Deployment Overview  


Private Labeling of Identity Manager

This chapter identifies the basic components you will need to rebrand the Identity Manager interface to match your company’s intranet or corporate style guidelines. Private labeling is the customization of the interface to meet these corporate guidelines.

Private Labeling Tasks

There are three general categories of private labeling tasks:

Architectural Features

Private labeling includes editing the components listed in the following table.




Administrator and User


Administrator and User


User Interface


User Interface


User Interface


Administrator Interface


Administrator Interface


Administrator Interface


Administrator and User

Style Sheets

Two style sheets affect the display characteristics of text in the product interface:

Default Text

Default text occurs throughout the product interface in the following:

Text Attributes

Display attributes include

Default Style Settings

The $WSHOME/styles/style.css file contains default style settings. Do not edit this file.

Customized File

The customStyle.css file contains customizations and is not overwritten during product upgrades. Settings defined there will override the default settings in style.css. Include all your customizations in customStyle.css.

JSP Files

Several JSP files contain the default settings for headers and footers: userFooter.jsp, userHeader.jsp, bodyEnd.jsp, and bodyStart.jsp. Do not edit these files. Instead, to preserve your customizations during product upgrade, edit only the JSPs listed in Architectural Features. File

The $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib/idmcommon.jar file contains the message catalog entries that you can extract into a file for editing.

Customizing Headers and Footers

Customization tasks are identical for both interfaces, although you must edit different files.

Note  Avoid editing any .jsp file other than the specified files. If you must edit one, first back up the .jsp to a safe location before copying, editing, and renaming it.

Changing Header Appearance

The most typical labeling tasks involve

Figure 1. Default Identity Manager bodyStart.jsp/userHeader.jsp as displayed in the browser

Changing Footer Appearance

Most typical changes can be done by editing the various files identified below.

Typical labeling tasks are described in the following table.


Edit this file...

Add space above the existing footer to incorporate space for comments


Add Row under the footer for a copyright or legal disclaimer


Add Table cell to the end of the footer to link to a security policy


Change “Logged in as ..” text

You cannot change this through .jsps. You can edit the custom message catalog. See Extracting the File later in this chapter.

Figure 2. Default Identity Manager bodyEnd.jsp as displayed in the browser.

Customizing the Login Page

Typical customizations to the Login page include:

Adding a List of Quick Links

A typical customization to the user home page involves adding a custom list of links to tasks or resources that users frequently access in your environment. These quick links offer a shortcut through the product interface to frequent destinations.

To add a list of quick links

  1. Add links to the list in index_quickLinks.jsp.
  2. Uncomment the list section by removing the surrounding <%-- and --%> tags.
  3. Save the file. You do not need to restart your application server.

Changing the Default “Logged in as ..” Text

  1. Extract the file from WEB-INF/lib/idmcommon.jar to the config directory (for English).
  2. Edit the file by changing the value for UI_NAV_FOOT_LOG_AS to the string you want displayed. The user name will appear where the {0} notation is.
  3. Restart your application server.
Extracting the File

To extract the from the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib/idmcommon.jar, follow one of these two procedures:

On a machine running a UNIX operating system:

  1. cd $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib
  2. Enter jar -xf idmcommon.jar com/waveset/msgcat/
  3. Enter mv com/waveset/msgcat/ $WSHOME/config
  4. Enter rm -r com
  5. cd $WSHOME/config

On a machine running a Windows operating system:

  1. cd %WSHOME%/WEB-INF/lib
  2. Enter jar -xf idmcommon.jar com/waveset/msgcat/
  3. Enter move com\waveset\msgcat\ %WSHOME%\config
  4. Enter rmdir -r com
  5. cd %WSHOME%\config

Changing Page Title and Subtitle

To change the default Login page title and subtitle and welcome message, edit the following entries in the config/ file:

To change this default text, follow the procedure for extracting and editing the file detailed in Changing the Default “Logged in as ...” Text.

Default Settings




UI_LOGIN_CHALLENGE=Enter Your {0} Password

UI_LOGIN_CHALLENGE_INFO=You are required to enter the password you logged into

[PRODUCT_NAME] with before the requested action can be completed.


UI_LOGIN_WELCOME=Welcome to the Sun Java&#8482; System [PRODUCT_NAME] system.

Enter the requested information, and then click <b>Login</b>.

UI_LOGIN_WELCOME2=Welcome to the Sun Java&#8482; System [PRODUCT_NAME] system.

Enter your user ID and password, and then click <b>Login</b>. If you can't remember your password, click <b>Forgot Your Password?</b>

Changing Font Characteristics

Display attributes typically specify the following basic font display characteristics:


for example, Helvetica or Arial


specified in point size (for example, 14 pt)


unspecified indicates normal weight. When specified, typically bold


typically specified as black (title -- font-family, font-size, font-weight, color

Certain components can be further defined by additional characteristics. For example, buttons can be defined with a background color, and the alignment of the text and button label.

Editing Font Characteristics

To edit, copy from styles.css and paste into customStyle.css. Then, modify the selected setting in customStyle.css.


The following entry represents the default settings for each page title:

.title {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 16pt;

font-weight: bold;

color: C;

Sample Labeling Exercises

The following example illustrates how to suppress the Identity Manager logo and reference a custom image in the header section of the page.

Changing the Product Name

To change the product name displayed, edit the config/ file.

  1. If you have not already, extract the file from WEB-INF/lib/idmcommon.jar to the config directory.
  2. Edit the value for the PRODUCT_NAME key to your project name:

  4. (Optional) Append your company or division name as displayed on the home page by modifying the value of UI_HOME_TITLE

    Note  You may want to change more references in from ’Sun Java™ System’ to Acme.

  6. For these changes to take effect, stop and restart the server.

Replacing the Identity Manager Logo with a Custom Logo

To change the logo in the Administrator or User interfaces, copy the following snippets from styles/style.css into customStyle.css and replace the Identity Manager logo image with your .gif file:

td.admin_header_image {
   background-repeat; no-repeat;

   height: 54px;

   width: 299px;


td.user_header_image {

   background-image: url("../images/acme.gif");

   background-repeat: no-repeat;

   height: 52px;

   width: 380px;


If you want the image to repeat across the screen, change no-repeat to repeat and increase the width to the desired length.

Note  For best results, logo .gifs should be between 50 and 60 pixels high.

Changing Header and Footer Bar Colors

To change the look-and-feel of Identity Manager, edit the styles/customStyle.css file.

Copy the .header and .footer sections and set the background-color on both to an appropriate color (in this case, yellow).

.header {

background-color: #FFFF40;


.footer {

background-color: #FFFF40;


Changing Navigation Tab Colors

Copy the snippet for the navigation links across the top of the page and down the sides. Change the background-color to an appropriate color (in this case, orange).

.availablenavbutton {

text-align: left;

background-color: #FFA620;


Many other options can be customized following the same procedures. Text style and size, alignment, and the colors and configurations of various other objects can be modified following the same steps.

Note  To see the changes without bouncing your server or browser, perform a Ctrl-refresh on a page.

Changing Identity Manager Behavior on Commonly Used Pages

To customize Identity Manager behavior on commonly used pages, you can alter settings in the System Configuration object.

Customizing with System Configuration Object

You can customize many commonly altered properties of the User or Administrator interfaces can by editing the System Configuration object. The attribute <Attribute name='ui'> and its subobjects control the product interface. Modifying the attributes under this attribute can change the behavior and of Identity Manager.

Miscellaneous Modifications: Admin Section of File

The admin section of System Configuration object file contains several attributes that are related to the Administrator Interface.

Miscellaneous Changes: User Section of the File

The user section of the System Configuration object file includes options for the User Interface.

The workflowResults attribute contains attributes for customizing the display of workflows for nonadministrative users, as indicated below:




Controls whether the workflow diagram is displayed in the anonymous user workflow status pages (anonProcessStatus.jsp).


Controls whether the hostname is included in workflow status pages for end-users (processStatus.jsp).


Controls whether workflow diagrams is displayed to all non-anonymous users (processStatus.jsp).

<Attribute name='user'>


     <Attribute name='disableForgotPassword'>



     <Attribute name='workflowResults'>


          <Attribute name='anonSuppressReports'>



          <Attribute name='suppressHostName'>



          <Attribute name='suppressReports'>







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