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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Resources Reference 2005Q4M3 


Adding Actions to Resources

This chapter describes how to create and implement actions on UNIX, Windows NT, and Windows Active Directory resources in Sun Java™ System Identity Manager.

What are Actions?

Actions are scripts that run within the context of a managed resource, if native support exists for scripted actions. For example, on a system with a UNIX operating system, actions are sequences of UNIX shell commands. In Microsoft Windows environments, actions are DOS-style console commands that can execute within the CMD console. Actions reside within Identity Manager repository as objects. In mainframe environments, actions are Javascript scripts that are capable of sending and receiving keystrokes and commands to and from the mainframe.

Use actions to perform work that is not performed directly against the resource account object but that is instead performed before or after that resource account is created, updated, or deleted. Resource actions support copying files to a new user’s directory, updating the SUDOers file on UNIX for the user after they have been created, or other native activities. You could perform this type of work by using a custom resource adapter. However, it is simpler to deploy a resource adapter with actions than to deploy a custom resource adapter.

Three types of results messages are associated with actions:

Supported Processes

The following processes support before and after actions:

Supported Resources

You can add actions to the following resources:

Refer to the individual adapter sections in this book for a list of supported versions.

Defining Actions

To create a new resource action, you must

  1. Create the action file.
  2. Load the action file into Identity Manager.

Creating the Action File

To create an action, you must create a file with the following text:

<ResourceAction name="Name">

   <ResTypeAction restype="ResourceType" timeout="Milliseconds">







For example, the following XML defines an action for the Solaris resource:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>

   <ResourceAction name='after-create'>

      <ResTypeAction restype='Solaris' timeout='60000'>



         echo "$WSUSER_accountId says Hello World!"

         # exit $DISPLAY_INFO_CODE if there is not a failure, but you want

         # the output to be propagated to the UI

         #exit 0

         exit $DISPLAY_INFO_CODE




Note  The code contained within the <act> elements is the same as seen in a UNIX script (ksh or sh) or a Windows batch script.

Environment variables are exported and available to actions. These comprise any one of the schema-mapped attributes that have values on the user (defined in the resource schema map in the Identity System Resource Attribute column), prefixed by WSUSER_. For instance, the preceding example uses the environment variable WSUSER_AccountId, formed by preceding the AccountId attribute defined in the Solaris resource schema map by WSUSER_. These variables should be identified as environment variables within the respective shell, so that in Solaris, the variable name is preceded by $ (dollar sign).


Loading the Action File into Identity Manager

Follow these steps to import the action into Identity Manager:

  1. Log in to the Identity Manager Administrator Interface.
  2. From the menu bar, select Configure, then Import Exchange File.
  3. Enter or browse for the XML file containing the action, and then click Import.

Implementing Actions

After you have defined an action, follow these steps to implement it:

  1. Define fields on the Identity Manager user form.
  2. Add entries to the schema map for the resources on which you want to invoke the action.

Step 1: Define Identity Manager User Form Fields

Create user form fields to assign an action that will run before or after a user operation:

In this example, the field defines an action named after-create that runs after a user create operation:

<Field name='global.create after action'>




The field name is formatted as:

{create|update|delete} {before|after} action

For detailed information about working with forms in Identity Manager, refer to the chapter titled Identity Manager Forms.

Step 2: Add Schema Map Entries

Add an entry to the schema map for the resources on which you want the action to run. To do this:

  1. Click Resources on the Identity Manager menu bar, and then select a resource.
  2. On the Edit Resource page, click Edit Schema.
  3. On the schema map, click New Row to add a row to the schema map.
  4. In the Identity System User Attribute column, enter create after action.
  5. Enter IGNORE_ATTR in the Resource User Attribute column. The IGNORE_ATTR entry causes the attribute to be ignored during normal account attribute processing.
  6. Click Save.

Windows NT Examples

This section provides examples of actions that you can run on a Windows NT resource after a resource adapter performs the following operations:

Example 1: Action that Follows Creation of a User

This procedure shows how to include an action that will run after the creation of a new user on the WIndows NT resource.

  1. Enter create after action in the Identity Manager User Attribute column of the Windows NT schema map.
  2. In the Attribute Type column, select string.
  3. In the Resource User Attribute column, enter IGNORE_ATTR. Leave the Required, Audit, Read Only, and Write Only columns unchecked.
  4. Add the following code to the user form you are using to create or edit users:
  5. <Field name='accounts[NT].create after action'>





  6. Create the following XML file and import it into Identity Manager. (Change the file paths according to your environment.)
  7. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>


       <ResourceAction name='AfterCreate'>

          <ResTypeAction restype='Windows NT' timeout='6000'>


             echo create >> C:\Temp\%WSUSER_accountId%.txt






Example 2: Action that Follows the Update or Edit of a User Account

This procedure shows how to include an action that will run after the update or edit of a user on a Windows NT resource.

  1. Enter update after action in the Identity Manager User Attribute column of the Windows NT schema map.
  2. In the Attribute Type column, select string.
  3. In the Resource User Attribute column, enter IGNORE_ATTR. Leave the Required, Audit, Read Only, and Write Only columns unchecked.
  4. Add the following fields to the user form that you are using to create and edit users:
  5. <Field name='accounts[NT].update after action'>





  6. Create the following XML file and import it into Identity Manager. (Change file paths according to your environment.)
  7. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>


       <ResourceAction name='AfterUpdate'>

          <ResTypeAction restype='Windows NT' timeout='6000'>


             echo update >> C:\Temp\%WSUSER_accountId%.txt






Example 3: Action that Follows the Deletion of a User

This procedure shows how to include an action that will run after the deletion of a user on the Windows NT resource.

  1. Enter delete after action in the Identity Manager User Attribute column of the Windows NT schema map.
  2. In the Attribute Type column, select string.
  3. In the Resource User Attribute column, enter IGNORE_ATTR. Leave the Required, Audit, Read Only, and Write Only columns unchecked.
  4. Add this to the Deprovision Form user form after the </Include> tag:
  5. <Field name= 'accounts[NT].attributes.delete after action'>





  6. Create the following XML file and import into Identity Manager. (Change file paths according to your environment.)
  7. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>


       <ResourceAction name='AfterDelete'>

          <ResTypeAction restype='Windows NT' timeout='6000'>


             echo delete >> C:\Temp\%WSUSER_accountId%.txt






  8. Edit the XML for the NT resource and add information to the “delete after action” schema mapping. Here is an example of a complete schema mapping for this resource with the new additions. (You will be adding the views-related information.)
  9. <AccountAttributeType id='12' name='delete after action' syntax='string' mapName='IGNORE_ATTR' mapType='string'>





Domino Example

Domino resources support before and after actions.

There are currently two supported types of actions: LotusScript and cmd shell. Any operation action can have any number of actions that will be executed.

The following examples demonstrate the use of LotusScript and cmd shell resource actions:

LotusScript Example

<ResourceAction name='iterateAttributes' createDate='1083868010032'>

   <ResTypeAction restype='Domino Gateway' actionType='lotusscript'>


         Sub Initialize


         End Sub

         Sub Main

            Dim session As New NotesSession

            Dim doc As NotesDocument

            Set doc = session.DocumentContext

            Forall i In doc.Items

               Dim attrVal As Variant

               attrVal = doc.GetItemValue(i.Name)

            End Forall

         End Sub




cmd shell Example

<ResourceAction name='getDirectoryContents' createDate='1083868010032'>

   <ResTypeAction restype='Domino Gateway'>




Note  A null actionType defaults to cmd script type.

Running LotusScript

On Domino, the execution of LotusScript is handled by an agent attached to a database. The Domino adapter will execute LotusScript in any one of the following ways:




Runs the agent.

agentName and script

Updates the agent with the script and runs the agent.

agentName, agentCreate, and script

Creates an agent with the script and runs the agent.

The following customized account attributes can be used with LotusScript. If any of these attributes are to be used, add the attribute on the Domino Gateway schema map. Specify IGNORE_ATTR as the value in the Resource User Attribute column.

Arguments to LotusScript

Agents arguments will be given in a note handle to LotusScript via a special property from the back-end NotesSession class. It can be defined as follows:

NotesDocument = NotesSession.DocumentContext

The NotesDocument can be instantiated by the action script routine and its field values can be read in as parameters to the LotusScript subroutine.

The following is a Lotus script example that gets the name a value of any arguments defined in the document.

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Set doc = session.DocumentContext

Forall i In doc.Items

   Dim attrVal As Variant    

   attrVal = doc.GetItemValue(i.Name)

   Print(" Attribute Name: " + i.Name + " Value: " + attrVal(0))

End Forall

All of the attributes defined during the action call will be put into the NotesDocument prefixed with WSUSER_, just as in the case of the NT actions.

Running cmd Shell

Actions are run using the Windows command interpreter cmd.exe with extensions enabled. Actions that run before a user operation must return a zero value. Otherwise, the operation is aborted.

Arguments to the cmd Shell

As with NT/ADSI cmd actions, the environment variables are exported and available to actions. These comprise any one of the schema-mapped attributes that have values on the user (defined in the resource schema map in the Identity Manager User Attribute column), prefixed by WSUSER_.

Multi-valued attributes consist of a pipe-separated list, as in:


Extending Views

You can add additional attributes to a view. All attributes must be registered.

The user attributes that are available to the different provisioning activities in Identity Manager are limited to those necessary to complete the action. For example, when editing a user, all possible user attributes are retrieved form the assigned resources and available for update. In contrast, the Change Password process needs only a subset of attributes to perform the request.

Attribute Registration

Attributes can be registered in one of two locations:


Register Attributes Here If ...

AccountAttributeType definition in the resource

... the attributes you want to update are specific to a particular resource, rather than to all resources of that type.

System Configuration Object want to make global registrations for all resources of a particular type. These registrations must be done in XML format.

You can register different attributes for different views. For example, you can register the lock attribute for the Password view and the firstname attribute for the Rename view or the resource action for the Enable, Disable, or Delete view.

Note  In the case of before or after actions, you must extend the view for any process except the create or update user process. For information on extending a view, see Identity Manager Views.

Global Registration

To make global registrations, add an attribute in the System Configuration object with this path:


where ViewName is one of Password, Reset, Enable, Disable, Rename, or Delete, and ResourceTypeName is the name of the resource type. The type name all is reserved for registrations that apply to all resources.

The value of this attribute must be a List of <String>s. The strings are names of the attributes you want to update. The following example registers the attribute named delete before action in the Delete view for all resources.

<Attribute name='updatableAttributes'>


      <Attribute name='Delete'>


            <Attribute name='all'>


                  <String>delete before action</String>





      <Attribute name='Enable'>


            <Attribute name='all'>


                  <String>enable before action</String>







Resource-Specific Registration

To make resource-specific registrations, modify the resource object from the Identity Manager Debug page and insert a <Views> sub-element in the AccountAttributeType element. <Views> must contain a list of strings whose values are the names of the views in which this attribute can be updated.

<AccountAttributeType name='lastname' mapName='sn' mapType='string'>





In the view, attributes you want to modify are placed within this object:



<Field name= 'resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[OS400ResourceName].attribute s.delete before action' hidden='true'>





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