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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Resources Reference 2005Q4M3 


The HP-UX resource adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.HPUXResourceAdapter class.

This adapter supports the following versions of HP-UX:

Resource Configuration Notes

If you will be using SSH (Secure Shell) for communication between the resource and Identity Manager, set up SSH on the resource before configuring the adapter.

Identity Manager Installation Notes

No additional installation procedures are required on this resource.

Usage Notes

The HP-UX resource adapter primarily provides support for the following HP-UX commands:

For more information about supported attributes and files, refer to the HP-UX manual pages for these commands.

When a rename of a user account is executed on a HP-UX resource, the group memberships are moved to the new user name. The user's home directory is also renamed if the following conditions are true:

The Bourne-compliant shell (sh, ksh) must be used as the root shell when connecting to a UNIX resource (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, or Linux).

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

Identity Manager uses the following connections to communicate with the HP-UX adapter.

Required Administrative Privileges

The adapter supports logging in as a standard user, then performing a su command to switch to root (or root-equivalent account) to perform administrative activities. Direct logins as root user are also supported.

The adapter also supports the sudo facility (version 1.6.6 or later), which can be installed on HP-UX 11i from the HP-UX Internet Express CD. sudo allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user.

In addition, if sudo is enabled for a resource, its settings will override those configured on the resource definition page for the root user.

If you are using sudo, you must set the tty_tickets parameter to true for the commands enabled for the Identity Manager administrator. Refer to the man page for the sudoers file for more information.

The administrator must be granted privileges to run the following commands with sudo:

User and Group Commands

NIS Commands

Miscellaneous Commands

































In addition, the NOPASSWORD option must be specified for each command.

You can use a test connection to test whether

Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of this adapter.



Enable/disable account

HP-UX does not natively support Identity Manager enable and disable actions. Identity Manager simulates enabling and disabling accounts by changing the user password. The changed password is exposed on enable actions, but it is not exposed on disable actions.

As a result, enable and disable actions are processed as update actions. Any before or after actions that have been configured to operate on updates will execute.

Rename account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods

  Import directly from resource

  Reconcile with resource

You can define resource attributes to control the following tasks for all users on this resource:

Account Attributes

The following table lists the HP-UX user account attributes.


Resource User Attribute

useradd Equivalent




Required. The user’s login name.


-c comment

The user’s full name.


-d directory

The user’s home directory.


-e expiration date

Last date the account can be accessed.


-g group

The user’s primary group.


-f days

Number of days the account can be inactive before it is locked


-G group

The user’s secondary group or groups.


-s /Path

The user’s login shell.


Obtained from the last command.

The date and time of the last login. This value is read-only.


-u User ID

The user ID, in digit form.

Resource Object Management

Identity Manager manages the following native HP-UX objects:

Resource Object

Supported Features

Attributes Managed


Create, update, delete, rename, save as

groupName, gid, users

Identity Template


Sample Forms


Also Available



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following classes:

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