4 Starting Up a Single
SPARCstation 10

A single system is one that is not connected to a computer network. If you are going to use your SPARCstation 10 workstation as a single system, you should read this chapter. If you are going to connect your SPARCstation 10 workstation to a computer network, skip this chapter and read Chapter 3.

Caution -

Read this chapter before you turn on the power to your system.

Your system has SunOS pre-installed, and goes through an automatic configuration process the first time you power it up. This process, called quick configuration, sets up your system software.

This chapter tells you how to:

Before Powering-On

To prepare your system for powering up for the first time:

    1. Check the cable connections.

    Make sure that you have connected all the parts of the system - mouse, keyboard, and monitor. Instructions for connecting the parts of the system are in Chapter 2.

    2. Check the temperature of the equipment.

    The system should be at room temperature before powering it up. If the equipment was shipped when outdoor temperatures were significantly above or below the current room temperature, it is best to wait several hours before you power on the system.

    3. Check the power cords.

    Make sure that you have plugged in the power cords for the monitor and the system unit. Instructions for plugging in power cords are in Chapter 2.

    4. Get the Customer Information Sheet.

    It is shipped in the plastic envelope on the side of the system unit carton.

This chapter assumes you are setting up your basic system before installing additional internal parts or peripheral devices.

Note - Get your basic system up and running before installing additional internal parts or peripheral devices. That way you can make sure the basic system is working as it should without them.

After your basic system is working, follow the appropriate instructions to add an internal part or a device. This makes it easier for you to isolate any problems that might occur. Although it is possible to add devices before you power up your system for the first time, doing so makes the initial installation more complex.

Figure 4-1 shows the basic system setup.

    Figure 4-1 Checking the Basic System Setup

Installation procedures for internal parts and peripheral devices are found in the following documents:

    This document is provided with every Sun SBus card.

    This document is provided with Sun DSIMMs that are installed by a user.

    See the Desktop Storage Pack Installation Guide if you ordered a Desktop Backup Pack, Desktop Disk Pack, or Desktop SunCD Pack.

    See the Desktop Storage Module Installation Guide if you ordered a Desktop Storage Module.

    See the Sun External Storage Module Installation Manual if you ordered an External Storage Module.

Powering-On Your System

To power up your system:

    1. Turn on the power to the monitor.

    Find the power switch on the monitor. Press the side labeled |.

    2. Turn on the power to the system unit.

    Press the side of the switch labeled |.

    Figure 4-2 Power Switch on System Unit Back Panel

Caution -

Once the power is on, you should leave the system running, barring one of the few situations that warrants shutting it down. Conditions that warrant shutting down the system and turning the power off are described in Chapter 5. The instructions for powering up a working system after it has been shut down are also in Chapter 5.

What Happens on Successful Power On

The following list describes what happens when the system is successfully powered on.

    1. The system runs its power on tests.

    When the power is turned on, the SPARCstation 10 system runs its power on tests.

    Across the right half of the SPARCstation 10 keyboard are three light- emitting diodes (LEDs) that light up to indicate a system part has failed a power-on test. The LEDs are on the Compose, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock keys. See Figure 4-3.

    Figure 4-3 Keyboard LEDs

    The Caps Lock key, located just above the left-hand Shift key, is not used as a power-on test failure indicator. It flashes during power on testing.

    The keyboard LED diagnostics are described in Appendix A.

    If you have a terminal connected to your system, various system messages may appear on the screen as your system runs its power on tests.

    2. The system displays a banner.

    If the system passes its power on tests and your system monitor is operating properly, the SPARCstation 10 displays a banner up to 30 seconds after it is powered on.

    This or a similar message appears after the banner:

    3. The system begins the quick configuration process.

    After the system successfully completes its power on tests and displays the banner, it begins the quick configuration process to set up the system software, as described in "Setting Up the System Software," later in this chapter.

% Sun Logo for Fram e Maker - a skinny version for small prints % % stolen from NeW S/lib /Ne WS/ demomenu .ps Sunlogo definition % and modified to scale to fill boun ding textrect % % "greyvalue" accepts numbers from 0 (black ) to 1 (whit e) % Fram e Maker "print er code" textrect puts x y w h on stack /grey value 0 def /heig ht exch def /widt h exch def /ypo s exch def /xpos exch def gsave width 2 div heigh t 10.5 div translate width 10.5 div heigh t 10.5 div scale 45 rotate /Uch ar { newpath -.2 0 move to 0 0 .2 180 360 arc 0 2.9 rlineto .7 0 rlineto 0 -2.9 rlineto 0 0 .9 0 180 arcn 0 2.9 rlineto .7 0 rlineto closepath greyvalue setgray fill } def /2Uc har { Uchar gsave 4 4 translate Uchar grestore } def 4 { 2Uch ar 6 0 translate 90 rotate } repeat grestore

What To Do if Power-On Does Not Succeed

If you do not see the banner at least 30 seconds after you turn on the power:

    1. Make sure that all cable connections are secure.

    Loose cables are a common source of computer "failures."

    If you still do not see the banner, your SPARCstation 10 system may have failed a power-on test. If that happens, call your authorized Sun Service Representative or other service provider for further assistance.

    If you have checked your cable connections but still do not see the banner:

    2. Watch for failure messages.

    When your system unit fails a power on test, it sends failure messages to serial port A. If you have a terminal connected to the serial connector on the system unit back panel or to port A on an optional serial interface
    Y-cable (that is, in turn, connected to the back panel), you will see test failure messages displayed on the terminal screen.

    Note that your monitor is different from a terminal and is not connected to the back panel serial port. For information on installing and configuring a terminal, see Appendix D.

    3. Watch for keyboard LED illumination.

    If a replaceable part in your system unit does not "pass" a power on test, a keyboard LED lights up. Each lit LED indicates a failed part. Watch the LEDs and note which one is lit. The LED may be lit for only a few seconds before the system continues its tests.

    When you call your authorized Sun Customer Service Representative or other service provider, you can tell the service engineer which LED was lit. This will help the service engineer restore your system to its full performance potential as quickly as possible.

    For more information on the LEDs, see Appendix A, "Sun-5 Keyboard LED Diagnostics."

Note - Once your system is booted and running the operating system, these LEDs are used for the keyboard functions as labeled and should not be interpreted as diagnostic error codes.

Setting Up the System Software

After your system passes all the power-on tests and displays the banner, it begins the SunOS quick configuration process, which sets up the system software. This section guides you through the quick configuration process and tells you what to do if quick configuration does not succeed.

Quick Configuration Process

During the quick configuration process, the system displays a series of screens that prompt you for information about your system and your user account. The following steps guide you through the quick configuration process.

Be sure that you have read all sections of this chapter and have performed all procedures therein.

After the system passes its power on tests and displays the banner screen, the Installation Messages screen appears.

To continue the quick configuration process:

    1. Specify manual setup.

    Select Option 2 and press Return to continue the installation.

Note - Ignore the message about automatic installation on the network. This message indicates that the system software tried to use information from the network to complete the installation of your system automatically. Because your system is not attached to any network, automatic installation is not possible.

    2. Continue manual setup.

    Press Return to begin manual setup (that is, to continue the configuration process).

    Manual setup begins with either the Terminal Type screen (if you are using a terminal that does not use Sun bit-mapped display) or the Hostname screen.

    These are followed by screens with instructions for configuring your time zone and system time.

Note - At any time in the configuration process you can press ? for Help and Control-B or Esc to return to the previous screen. Control-F takes you back to the first screen (either the Hostname screen or the Terminal Type screen).

    3. Specify your terminal type.

    Enter the number for your terminal type and press Return.

    4. Specify your system hostname.

    Enter your system (or machine) name and press Return.

    5. Select the correct time zone.

    Review the time zone instructions displayed on your screen.

    Set the time zone correctly so that your system clock will operate correctly.

      a. Press Return or the spacebar to move the cursor to a choice.
      b. Type x.

      A submenu of timezones for that choice is displayed.

      Type ? if you need more information about choosing a time zone.

      If you select United States, for example, the system displays the following screen:

      c. Press Return or Space to move the cursor to the correct time zone and
      d. Type x.

      The system then sets the internal clock.

    6. Confirm the system time.

      a. If the displayed time is correct, type 1 and press Return.

      The Network screen appears.

      b. If the displayed time is not correct, type 2 and press Return.

      The Set Time screen appears.

      Enter the correct date and time in one of the following formats and press Return:

mm/dd/yy two-digit month/two-digit day/two-digit year hh:mm:ss two-digit (00-23) hour:two-digit minutes:two- digit seconds

    Next, the system asks whether your system is attached to a network.

    7. Specify that your system is not attached to a network.

    Since your system is not on a network, type 2 and press Return.

    8. Confirm the hostname and timezone information.

    This screen displays the hostname and timezone you specified in the previous screens. Confirm the information as displayed, or press Return start over to change the information.

      a. To confirm, type y and press Return.

      The system then displays the information you confirm in the Installation screen.

      b. To start over, type n and press Return.

      The first screen (either Terminal Type or Hostname) appears.

    9. Assign a superuser password.

    You will be asked to type the same password in the same way you typed it the first time.

    After you have typed a password and pressed Return or have only pressed Return, your system prompts you to set up a user account.

    The next screens set up your user account on your system.

    For more information on user accounts see Chapter 5, "Administering User Accounts," in the Sun System and Network Manager's Guide.

    10. Begin to set up your user account.

    Type y to begin setting up your account.

    11. Specify your full name.

    Type your full name and press Return.

    12. Specify your user name.

    Type your user name and press Return.

    You use your user name to log into the system.

    13. Specify your user id.

    Type your user identification account number and press Return.

    14. Specify your password.

    Choose a password that only you know. Type your password and press Return.

    You will be asked to type the password a second time in the same way you typed it the first time.

    The system then finishes the booting process and displays the login prompt.

    15. Log into the system.

    Type your user name and password.

    See the information about logging in and logging out in Chapter 1, "Entering the Workspace," in the Sun System User's Guide.

This completes the manual configuration process.

Figure 4-4 summarizes the procedures for starting up your system for the first time.

    Figure 4-4 Starting Up Your Single System: Summary

What's Next

You have finished Chapter 4 and have done the following:

Now you can read any of the following chapters, depending on what you want to do: