F Multiple Network Configuration Issues

This appendix addresses some of the configuration issues that arise when a server is equipped with multiple network interfaces, and the network is divided into multiple segments.

Issues covered in this appendix include configuration of network addresses, NFS, NIS, and diskless clients. More general information on these topics can be found in the System and Network Administration manual.

Note that most of the information contained in this appendix is valid with or without Sun Network CoProcessors. It is pertinent to multiple network configurations in general.

F.1 Nomenclature

In the remainder of this appendix, we will use the following terms:


Used when referring to a physical network, i.e., an Ethernet cable.


Used to indicate generically a workstation or a server.


Used interchangeably with the term "host".


The hostname (spelled in one word) of a machine will refer to the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command issued on that machine.

Host Name

Host Name (spelled in two words) refers to any host name as it appears in an entry of an /etc/hosts file. A gateway machine configured with multiple network interfaces has only one "hostname" at a given point in time. However, it has multiple host names, each associated with an IP address configured on a network interface on that machine.


When it is not further qualified (such as in "IP network", or "Class C network"), this term will be used generically to refer to the totality of the interconnected devices, regardless of how many segments (i.e., physical Ethernet cables) they span.

F.2 Planning a Network Reconfiguration

Reconfiguring a network usually involves defining new network addresses, moving workstations to new Ethernet segments, and redistributing client machines on server machines.

In planning for a network reconfiguration, the following considerations should be kept in mind:

Reconfiguring a network is, by nature, a global task. Keeping a global, pictorial view of the network can be of significant help in achieving quick success.

F.2.1 Illustrative Example

To provide a framework for the current discussion, we will use an example of reconfiguration as illustrated in Figure F-1 and Figure F-2.

We start out with a network comprised of a single Ethernet segment, and five hosts of interest. Please refer to Figure F-1.

F.2.2 Hosts of Interest

Five hosts will be initially involved in our example reconfiguration. In addition, a sixth host will be introduced into the network. These hosts are:

nismaster: this machine is the NIS master server on the network.

nfsserver: this machine is the NFS server for the clients of interest. It is a SPARCserver 690MP, running SunOS 4.1.3.

dfc_a: this machine is a diskfull, dataless, workstation. We assume that it mounts some file systems from the server nfsserver, via NFS. A sample entry from its /etc/fstab file follows:

    Figure F-1 Original Network Configuration

dlc_a: this machine is a diskless SPARCstation client of nfsserver. We assume that it mounts all of its file systems from nfsserver in the following fashion:

dlc_b: this machine is a diskless SPARCstation client of nfsserver. We assume that it mounts all of its file systems from nfsserver in the following fashion:

new_b: this machine is not part of the original network setup. It will be introduced as part of the reconfiguration process.

Note that hosts dfc_a and dlc_a both use the /data_a file system data. When introduced, machine new_b will be a user of the /data_b file system data, similarly to machine dlc_b.

F.2.3 Initial Network Configuration

Initially, all hosts of interest are connected to a single Ethernet segment. In particular, the SPARCserver 690MP machine nfsserver has a single network interface configured, namely le0. We will refer to this original segment as segment "O". In addition, nismaster is the NIS master, and it is the only NIS server on the network. The other hosts on the network are NIS clients of nismaster.

We assume that the initial network number is, with a standard netmask of This is a Class C network. The file /etc/netmasks on the host nismaster has the following entry:

Below are the contents of the three files /etc/hosts, /etc/ethers, and /etc/bootparams on the server nismaster:

In addition, the file /etc/rc.local on the host nismaster starts the ypserv process.

On the host nfsserver, the /etc/exports file appears as follows:

The directory /tftpboot on nfsserver has the following symbolic link entries (boot files for dlc_a and dlc_b):

(The first part of the name of each symbolic link represents the hexadecimal translation of the corresponding IP address.)

The /etc/rc.local file on nfsserver starts the ypbind daemon, but it does not start the ypserv daemon. This illustrates the fact that nismaster is the only NIS server on the network.

The /etc/hosts file on host dlc_a has the following contents, so it can find nfsserver and mount its / and /usr file systems before NIS is activated:

The /etc/hosts file on host dlc_b has the following contents, so it can find nfsserver and mount its / and /usr file systems before NIS is activated:

Finally, both dlc_a and dlc_b start the ypbind daemon in their /etc/rc.local scripts.

F.2.4 Intended New Configuration

It is intended to split the network into three Ethernet segments by upgrading the SPARCserver 690MP nfsserver with two Sun Network CoProcessor subsystems. We assume that this is done at the occasion of adding a new diskless SPARCstation client new_b, which will be using data in /data_b on nfsserver.

While the le0 interface on nfsserver remains connected to segment "O", the two new interfaces, ne0 and ne1, will be connected to two new segments, referred to as segment "A" and segment "B", respectively.

Since hosts dfc_a and dlc_a share the data in /data_a, they will be moved to segment "A". Host dlc_b will be moved to segment "B", and host new_b will be added on segment "B". Please refer to Figure F-2.

It is also decided to move from a Class C network to a Class B network, due to the increase in the number of hosts attached to the network.

    Figure F-2 New Network Configuration

F.3 Network Reconfiguration

This section outlines the steps involved in reconfiguring the network. Topics covered include network numbering and related NIS updates, NIS connectivity, NFS mounts, reconfiguration of diskless clients, and addition of new diskless clients.

Every subsection in this section will be further divided into three parts:

The first part explains, in general terms, the steps to be accomplished.

The second part illustrates these steps on the chosen example.

The third part discusses variations on the scenario, such as different configuration parameters, non-NIS cases, etc.

F.3.1 Network Numbering


The first step in the reconfiguration consists of choosing new network numbers and network masks. This choice is largely dependent on the number of Ethernet segments and the number of hosts that exist on the network.

Caution - If your network is connected to world-wide Internet, you must obtain your new network numbers from the Internet Network Information Center.

While the class of the network determines the maximum number of interconnected hosts, the choice of the mask shapes how these hosts are distributed on subnets.

In an NIS environment, the steps involved in renumbering the network are:

    1. Updating the file /etc/netmasks on the NIS master, to include the new network numbers and their associated subnet masks.
    2. Updating the file /etc/hosts on the NIS master to reflect all the new addresses and, possibly, host names if those were changed.
    3. Updating the file /etc/hosts on all other machines to reflect their own new address as well as the new address of their file server, if they are diskless.
    4. Updating the file /etc/hostname.??0 on all machines whose host name is changing.
    5. Creating more /etc/hostname.??? files on gateway machines.


In the example, we assume that the reconfigured network will be numbered in the following fashion:

Network Number =
Subnet Mask =
Subnet "O" =
Subnet "A" =
Subnet "B" =

nismaster IP address = (nismaster host name is unchanged.)

nfsserver IP addresses = on interface le0 on interface ne0 on interface ne1

Associated host names = nfsserver for
nfsserver_a for

We also assume that the hostname of nfsserver, as displayed by the /usr/bin/hostname command, remains as nfsserver.

dfc_a IP address = (dfc_a host name is unchanged.)

dlc_a IP address = (dlc_a host name is unchanged.)

dlc_b IP address = (dlc_b host name is unchanged.)

new_b IP address =

Note that, although the value of the subnet mask has not changed, (it still is, its impact has changed because we changed from a Class C network to a Class B network.

Indeed, in a Class C network, the first three octets of an Internet address define the network field, whereas the fourth octet is to be split between the subnet field and the host field. Since, in our example (, the subnet mask covers only the first three octets of the Internet address, and does not cross over to the fourth octet, this remaining octet of the Internet address defines the host field of the address.

In contrast, when we move to a Class B network, the first two octets of an Internet address define the network field. The remaining two octets are split between the subnet field and the host field of the address. Since, in our example (, the subnet mask covers the first three octets of the Internet address, it follows that the third octet of the Internet address defines the subnet field, while the fourth octet of the Internet defines the host field. We have thus defined a single IP network comprised of three subnets.

We now apply the steps described earlier in this section to this example:

    1. The file /etc/netmasks on the host nismaster is changed to have the following entry:

    2. The file /etc/hosts on the host nismaster is changed to have the following entries:

    3. Every host's /etc/hosts file is changed to reflect the new mapping of its own host name to its new IP address. In addition, every diskless client's /etc/hosts file is changed to reflect the updated mapping of its file server's host name to the corresponding IP address. The file server's host name and IP address mentioned here are those that are configured on the file server's interface over which the diskless client is booted.
    4. Thus, for example, the updated /etc/hosts file of nfsserver includes the following entries:

    5. Note that, for machines with multiple configured interfaces, such as nfsserver, the machine has only one hostname, as displayed by the /usr/bin/hostname command. We'll assume it is still "nfsserver" for the machine nfsserver. This hostname is what appears on the login prompt on that machine.
    6. The updated /etc/hosts file of dlc_a includes the following entries:

    7. The updated /etc/hosts file of dfc_a includes the following entry:

    8. Note that, in this case, the entry nfsserver_a does not have to appear explicitly because it can be learned via the NIS mechanism. By contrast, a diskless client needs to know its file server's host name at a point in the boot sequence when NIS is not enabled yet.
    9. The machine nfsserver has two new interfaces configured. It is updated to have the following three files:

    /etc/hostname.le0 containing "nfsserver"
    /etc/hostname.ne0 containing "nfsserver_a"
    /etc/hostname.ne1 containing "nfsserver_b".

F.3.2 Variations

We will discuss two variations on the scenario depicted above.

    1. The first variation is the case where the network is split up from one Class C network into three Class C networks, rather than one Class B network made of three subnets. IP Network "O" IP Network "A" #IP Network "B"

    "192.9.200.XXX" if they were on IP network "O",
    "192.9.201.XXX" if they were on IP network "A",
    "192.9.202.XXX" if they were on IP network "B".

    2. The second variation is the case where the NIS system is not running on the network, or a host chooses to not participate in NIS. In that case, the host not binding into NIS should have its own /etc/netmasks file, and its own /etc/hosts file updated as described above for the machine nismaster. Similarly, in the case where NIS is not running at all, these files should be replicated on every host in the network.

F.4 NIS Connectivity

F.4.1 Steps

When the network is split up into several segments, the issue of NIS connectivity arises. This is because the NIS system does not naturally cross segment boundaries. An NIS client that attempts to bind into an NIS domain can only do so if there is an NIS server on the same Ethernet segment.

Care should therefore be taken to have at least one NIS server on every segment. This NIS server should in addition have access to the NIS master server, in order to obtain the databases.

F.4.2 Example

In our example, clients such as dfc_a, dlc_a, and dlc_b do not have direct access to the NIS master server nismaster. In order to give them access to the NIS databases resident on nismaster, the machine nfsserver should run both the ypbind daemon, so as to get the information from nismaster, and the ypserv daemon, so as to be able to service NIS requests from hosts on segments "A" and "B".

F.4.3 Variations

Variations could include definition of several NIS domains, or suppression of the NIS system on parts of the network. If this is not otherwise desired, the reconfiguration of the network into several segments does not mandate doing that.

F.5 NFS Mounts

F.5.1 Steps

After the network is reconfigured, NFS clients can end up communicating with their NFS server over a different network interface on the server than what was previously used. The new interface is likely to have a new host name associated with its IP address. The typical case is for clients to use a generic name for a server when mounting NFS file systems from the server. This generic name is typically associated with the primary network interface of the server. In the previous example, that name would be nfsserver. Using the generic name makes the task of administering NFS mounts easier.

If you take the generic-server naming approach, it is very important to update your /etc/rc.local file so that every SNC interface is advised to preprocess NFS requests directed to the generic interface. In the example below, you would edit /etc/rc.local on nfsserver as follows:

This then becomes

If you don't make the change shown above, you will not eliminate NFS service to the client. What will happen is that the SNC will not preprocess NFS requests for that server; in effect, removing the SNC from the network for that server. The NFS requests will instead be processed by the generic NFS server on the host CPU.

F.5.2 Variations

Mounting file systems across gateways is possible and supported. For instance, it would be possible for dlc_b to mount file systems off dfc_a or nismaster, by crossing two interfaces on the gateway nfsserver. This is particularly not recommended when the gateway is also a heavily used NFS server, as NFS performance will suffer from the internetwork traffic.

F.6 Diskless Client Reconfiguration

F.6.1 Steps

Two steps involving the client's /etc/hosts and /etc/fstab files have already been covered in Section F.3.1 and Section F.5, respectively.

In addition, the following steps have to be followed:

F.6.2 Example

In this example, diskless clients kept their original host names, even though their IP addresses were modified. There is no need for updating the file /etc/ethers on nismaster. This step would have been necessary, though, if any of the diskless clients had changed its host name.

    1. The file /etc/bootparams on nismaster is updated as follows:

    2. Since none of the diskless clients changed its host name in this example, there is no need for changing the file /etc/exports on nfsserver. If any diskless client had changed its host name, then the file /etc/exports on the server would have been updated such that entries of the form would have needed new values for the client named client.

    /export/root/client -access=client,root=client
    /export/swap/client access=client,root=client

    3. The directory /tftpboot on nfsserver is updated with the following symbolic link entries (boot files for dlc_a and dlc_b) thus reflecting the new IP addresses of dlc_a and dlc_b.:

    80200204.SUN4C -'> boot.sun4c.sunos.4.1.1
    80200305.SUN4C -'> boot.sun4c.sunos.4.1.1

Note that "80200204" is the hexadecimal transcription for the IP address "", and "80200305" is the hexadecimal transcription for the IP address "".

F.6.3 Variations

In the case where the NIS system was disabled on the network, or the host nfsserver did not participate in NIS, the file /etc/bootparams (and possibly the files /etc/ethers and /etc/exports) would have been updated locally on the NFS server nfsserver.

F.7 New Diskless Client Configuration

F.7.1 Steps

When the program /usr/etc/install/add_client is used on the NFS server to create a new diskless client, it does not take into account the multiple network configuration, in several respects. These shortcomings all come from the fact that add_client does not recognize the fact that the NFS server is configured with multiple network interfaces.

Instead, the hostname of the NFS server, as output by the command /usr/bin/hostname is always used in the files created by add_client. This only works correctly if the new diskless client is attached to the segment on which the NFS server's IP address matches the hostname returned by /usr/bin/hostname. It does not work for diskless clients added on other segments attached to the NFS server.

Note that this fact is true regardless of the nature of the extra network interfaces (le or ne).

Note - A useful alternative to the steps above is to change the hostname on the NFS server by means of the /usr/bin/hostname command, prior to running the /usr/etc/install/add_client program. The NFS server can be configured, if only on a temporary basis, with the hostname that will produce the correct entries in the files /etc/bootparams, /etc/hosts, and /etc/fstab. The NFS server's hostname can then be reverted back to its original value by running the command /usr/bin/hostname again, after add_client is completed.
This procedure is particularly timesaving when adding a large number of diskless clients on a segment.

F.7.2 Example

In our example, we have chosen to add a new diskless client called new_b. After the program /usr/etc/install/add_client has successfully completed on nfsserver, the following remains to be done manually:

    1. The file /etc/bootparams on nismaster will have an entry of the form:

    2. This entry should be changed to:

    3. The file /etc/hosts on new_b will have the entry:

    4. The following entry is more pertinent:

    5. Note that the old entry can remain, because it is not incorrect. If NIS is running, though, it will not be used.
    6. The file /etc/fstab on new_b will have the entries:

    7. These should be changed to:

    8. As an alternative to the three steps above, the hostname of nfsserver can be changed to nfsserver_b prior to running add_client. This is done by issuing the command:

    9. If the add_client program is then run, it will produce entries in /etc/bootparams, /etc/fstab, and /etc/hosts with nfsserver_b, rather than nfsserver.
    10. The hostname can then be changed back to nfsserver by issuing the command:

F.7.3 Variations

In the case where NIS is not enabled on the network, or if the NFS server nfsserver does not participate in NIS, the file /etc/bootparams will have to be corrected locally on the NFS server, rather than on the NIS master.