7 Display Devices

This chapter discusses writing FCode programs for display devices. The display device type applies to frame buffers and other devices appearing as memory to the processor, with associated hardware to convert the memory image to a visual display. Display devices can be used as console output devices.

Required Methods

The display device's FCode must declare the display device type, and must implement the methods open and close.

System defer words are loaded by appropriate routines. is-install, is- remove and is-selftest are used to create the open, close and selftest routines. set-font initializes the values of frame-buffer-adr, char- height and char-width, all of which are built into the system ROM and can be used by any display device driver.

For display devices, created methods interact with OpenBoot commands in a way that is different from that of other device types. Other device types provide methods that are found by dictionary searches looking for specific names.

Some FCodes are specifically designed for display devices. See Table A-35 through Table A-41 in Appendix A, "FCode Reference".

Required Properties

    Table 7-1 Required Display Device Properties

Property Name Typical Value ------------------------------------------------------------
name           SUNW,cgsix
reg            list of registers {device dependent}
device_type    " display"  {required for display devices}


Device Driver Examples

Simple Display Device Driver

This is a sample FCode program for a display device that does not need to be usable as a console display device during system power-up.

    Code Example 4 Basic Display Device Driver Example

\ Basic display device driver
\ cg6 (Lego) frame buffer driver
" SUNW,cgsix" name
" SUNW,501-xxxx" model
h# 20.0000 constant dac-offset  h#      10 constant /dac
h# 30.0000 constant fhc-offset  h#      10 constant /fhc
h# 30.1800 constant thc-offset  h#      20 constant /thc
h# 70.0000 constant fbc-offset  h#      10 constant /fbc
h# 70.1000 constant tec-offset  h#      10 constant /tec
h# 80.0000 constant fb-offset   h# 10.0000 constant /frame
: reg-spec ( offset size -- encoded-reg )
   >r 0 my-address d+ my-space encode-phys 0 encode-int encode+ r> encode-int encode+
0 0 reg-spec                         \ Configuration space registers
dac-offset /dac reg-spec    encode+
fhc-offset /fhc reg-spec    encode+
thc-offset /thc reg-spec    encode+
fbc-offset /fbc reg-spec    encode+
tec-offset /tec reg-spec    encode+
fb-offset  /frame reg-spec  encode+
" reg" property


Extended Display Device Driver

This sample FCode program has additional functionality to initialize and test the device, but still is not usable as a console display device during system power-up.

    Code Example 5 Extended Display Device Driver Example

\ Extended Display device driver
\ cg6 (Lego) frame buffer driver
" SUNW,cgsix" name
" SUNW,501-xxxx" model
h# 20.0000 constant dac-offset  h#      10 constant /dac
h# 30.0000 constant fhc-offset  h#      10 constant /fhc
h# 30.1800 constant thc-offset  h#      20 constant /thc
h# 70.0000 constant fbc-offset  h#      10 constant /fbc
h# 70.1000 constant tec-offset  h#      10 constant /tec
h# 80.0000 constant fb-offset   h# 10.0000 constant /frame
: reg-spec ( offset size -- encoded-reg )
   >r 0 my-address d+ my-space encode-phys 0 encode-int encode+ r> encode-int encode+
0 0 reg-spec                         \ Configuration space registers
dac-offset /dac reg-spec    encode+
fhc-offset /fhc reg-spec    encode+
thc-offset /thc reg-spec    encode+
fbc-offset /fbc reg-spec    encode+
tec-offset /tec reg-spec    encode+
fb-offset  /frame reg-spec  encode+
" reg" property
-1 value dac-addr
-1 value fhc-addr
-1 value thc-addr
-1 value fbc-addr
-1 value tec-addr
-1 value fb-addr
:  copyright  (  -- addr len  )  "Copyright (c) 1992 - 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. " ;
: do-map-in  ( offset size -- )
   >r          ( offset )              ( R: size )  \ Move size to return stack
   0           ( offset 0 )            ( R: size )  \ Convert offset to double number
   my-address  ( offset 0 phys.lo phys.mid )  ( R: size )
   d+          ( phys.lo' phys.mid )          ( R: size )
   my-space r ( phys.lo' phys.mid phys.hi size )  ( R: )
   " map-in" $call-parent
: do-map-out ( vaddr size --   )  " map-out" $call-parent  ;
: dac-map    ( -- )  dac-offset  /dac  do-map-in      to dac-addr  ;
: dac-unmap  ( -- )  dac-addr    /dac  do-map-out  -1 to dac-addr  ;
: fhc-map    ( -- )  fhc-offset  /fhc  do-map-in      to fhc-addr  ; 
: fhc-unmap  ( -- )  fhc-addr    /fhc  do-map-out  -1 to fhc-addr  ;
: thc-map    ( -- )  thc-offset  /thc  do-map-in      to thc-addr  ;
: thc-unmap  ( -- )  thc-addr    /thc  do-map-out  -1 to thc-addr  ;
: fbc-map    ( -- )  fbc-offset  /fbc  do-map-in      to fbc-addr  ;
: fbc-unmap  ( -- )  fbc-addr    /fbc  do-map-out  -1 to fbc-addr  ;
: tec-map    ( -- )  tec-offset  /tec  do-map-in      to tec-addr  ;
: tec-unmap  ( -- )  tec-addr    /tec  do-map-out  -1 to tec-addr  ;
: fb-map    ( -- )  fb-offset  /frame  do-map-in      to fb-addr  ;
: fb-unmap  ( -- )  fb-addr    /frame  do-map-out  -1 to fb-addr  ;
: map-regs   ( -- )  dac-map    fhc-map    thc-map    fbc-map    tec-map  ;
: unmap-regs ( -- )  tec-unmap  fbc-unmap  thc-unmap  fhc-unmap  dac-unmap  ;
\ Brooktree DAC interface section
\ The Brooktree DAC has an internal address register which helps to select the
\ internal register which is to be accessed. First, the address is written to 
\ register 0, then the data is written to one of the other registers. Ibis has 3
\ separate DAC chips which appear as the three least-significant bytes of a
\ longword.  All three chips may be simultaneously updated with a single longword
\ write.
: dac!  ( data reg# -- )  r dup 2dup bljoin r dac-addr + l!  ;
: dac-ctl!  ( data int.addr reg# -- )  swap 0 dac!  dac!  ;
\ color! sets an overlay color register.
\ In order to be able to use either the Brooktree 457 or 458 dacs, we set the address
\ once, then store the color 3 times.  The chip internally cycles each time the color
\ register is written, selecting in turn the red color, the green color, and the blue
\ color. The chip is used in "RGB mode".
: color!  ( r g b c# -- )
   0 dac!       ( r g b )
   swap rot     ( b g r )
   4 dac!       ( b g )
   4 dac!       ( b )
   4 dac!       (  )
: lego-init-dac  ( -- )
   40 06  8 dac-ctl!  \ Control reg: enable off, overlay off, RGB on
   0  05  8 dac-ctl!  \ Blinking off
   ff 04  8 dac-ctl!  \ Read mask set to all ones
   ff ff ff 0   color!  \ White in overlay background color register
   0  0  0  ff  color!  \ Black in overlay foreground color register
   64 41 b4  1  color!  \ SUN-blue for logo
\ End of Brooktree DAC code
\ Lego Selftest section
: fbc!  ( value offset -- )  fbc-addr + l!  ;
: fbc@  ( offset -- value )  fbc-addr + l@  ;
: tec!  ( value offset -- )  tec-addr + l!  ;
: lego-selftest ( -- failed? )  false  ;
\ Hardware configuration register section
: fhc!  ( value offset -- )  fhc-addr + l!  ;
: thc!  ( value offset -- )  thc-addr + l!  ;
: set-res-params  ( hcvd hcvs hchd hchsdvb hchs fhc-conf -- )
   0 fhc!  0 thc!  4 thc!  8 thc!  c thc!  10 thc!
\ Resolution params:         hcvd     hcvs    hchd  hchsdvb   hchs  fhc-conf
: r1024x768   ( -- params )  2c032c  32c0005  110051  490000  510007  3bb  ;
: r1152x900   ( -- params )  2403a8    10005  15005d  570000   10009  bbb  ;
: r1024x1024  ( -- params )  200426    10005  180054  520000   10009  3bb  ;
: r1152x870   ( -- params )  2c0392    20005  120054  540000   10009  bbb  ;
: r1600x1280  ( -- params )  340534   534009  130045  3d0000  450007 1bbb  ;
0 value lego-rez-width
0 value lego-rez-height
0 value sense-code
: set-resolution  ( sense-code -- )
      0 of  d# 1152  d#  900  endof
      12 of  d# 1024  d# 1024  endof
      13 of  d# 1600  d# 1280  endof
      drop   d# 1152  d#  900  0
   to lego-rez-height  to lego-rez-width
8f value thc-misc
: lego-video-on  ( -- )  thc-misc  400 or  18  thc!  ;
: lego-video-off ( -- )  thc-misc          18  thc!  ;
: lego-init-hc  ( -- )
   sense-code  case
      0 of  r1152x900   endof
      12 of  r1024x1024  endof
      13 of  r1600x1280  endof
      drop    r1152x900   0
   endcase                ( resolution-params )
   016b 14  thc!	         \ THC_HCREFRESH
   148f 18  thc!	         \ THC_HCMISC
   \   48f 18  thc!	      \ THC_HCMISC
   lego-video-off	        \ Turn video on at install time
\ End of hardware configuration register section


Complete Display Device Drive

This sample FCode program is for a device that would be usable as a system console device.

    Code Example 6 Complete Display Device Driver Example

\ Complete Display device driver
\ cg6 (Lego) frame buffer driver
" SUNW,cgsix" name
" SUNW,501-xxxx" model
" display" device-type
h# 20.0000 constant dac-offset  h#      10 constant /dac
h# 30.0000 constant fhc-offset  h#      10 constant /fhc
h# 30.1800 constant thc-offset  h#      20 constant /thc
h# 70.0000 constant fbc-offset  h#      10 constant /fbc
h# 70.1000 constant tec-offset  h#      10 constant /tec
h# 80.0000 constant fb-offset   h# 10.0000 constant /frame
: reg-spec ( offset size -- encoded-reg )
   >r 0 my-address d+ my-space encode-phys 0 encode-int encode+ r> encode-int encode+
0 0 reg-spec                         \ Configuration space registers
dac-offset /dac reg-spec    encode+
fhc-offset /fhc reg-spec    encode+
thc-offset /thc reg-spec    encode+
fbc-offset /fbc reg-spec    encode+
tec-offset /tec reg-spec    encode+
fb-offset  /frame reg-spec  encode+
" reg" property
-1 value dac-addr
-1 value fhc-addr
-1 value thc-addr
-1 value fbc-addr
-1 value tec-addr
-1 value fb-addr
:  copyright  (  -- addr len  )  "Copyright (c) 1992 - 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. " ;
: do-map-in  ( offset size -- )
   r          ( offset )              ( R: size )  \ Move size to return stack
   0           ( offset 0 )            ( R: size )  \ Convert offset to double number
   my-address  ( offset 0 phys.lo phys.mid )  ( R: size )
   d+          ( phys.lo' phys.mid )          ( R: size )
   my-space r ( phys.lo' phys.mid phys.hi size )  ( R: )
   " map-in" $call-parent
: do-map-out  ( vaddr size --   )  " map-out" $call-parent  ;
: dac-map    ( -- )  dac-offset  /dac  do-map-in      to dac-addr  ;
: dac-unmap  ( -- )  dac-addr    /dac  do-map-out  -1 to dac-addr  ;
: fhc-map    ( -- )  fhc-offset  /fhc  do-map-in      to fhc-addr  ;
: fhc-unmap  ( -- )  fhc-addr    /fhc  do-map-out  -1 to fhc-addr  ;
: thc-map    ( -- )  thc-offset  /thc  do-map-in      to thc-addr  ;
: thc-unmap  ( -- )  thc-addr    /thc  do-map-out  -1 to thc-addr  ;
: fbc-map    ( -- )  fbc-offset  /fbc  do-map-in      to fbc-addr  ;
: fbc-unmap  ( -- )  fbc-addr    /fbc  do-map-out  -1 to fbc-addr  ;
: tec-map    ( -- )  tec-offset  /tec  do-map-in      to tec-addr  ;
: tec-unmap  ( -- )  tec-addr    /tec  do-map-out  -1 to tec-addr  ;
: fb-map    ( -- )  fb-offset  /frame  do-map-in      to fb-addr  ;
: fb-unmap  ( -- )  fb-addr    /frame  do-map-out  -1 to fb-addr  ;
: map-regs   ( -- )  dac-map    fhc-map    thc-map    fbc-map    tec-map  ;
: unmap-regs ( -- )  tec-unmap  fbc-unmap  thc-unmap  fhc-unmap  dac-unmap  ;
\ Brooktree DAC interface section
\ The Brooktree DAC has an internal address register which helps to
\ select the internal register which is to be accessed.
\ First, the address is written to register 0, then the data is written
\ to one of the other registers.
\ Ibis has 3 separate DAC chips which appear as the three least-significant
\ bytes of a longword.  All three chips may be simultaneously updated
\ with a single longword write.
: dac!  ( data reg# -- ) r dup 2dup bljoin r dac-addr + l!  ;
: dac-ctl! ( data int.addr reg# -- )  swap 0 dac!  dac!  ;
\ color! sets an overlay color register.
\ In order to be able to use either the Brooktree 457 or 458 dacs, we
\ set the address once, then store the color 3 times.  The chip internally
\ cycles each time the color register is written, selecting in turn the
\ red color, the green color, and the blue color.
\ The chip is used in "RGB mode".
: color!  ( r g b c# -- )
   0 dac!       ( r g b )
   swap rot     ( b g r )
   4 dac!       ( b g )
   4 dac!       ( b )
   4 dac!       (  )
: lego-init-dac  ( -- )
   40 06  8 dac-ctl!  \ Control reg: enable off, overlay off, RGB on
   0  05  8 dac-ctl!  \ Blinking off
   ff 04  8 dac-ctl!  \ Read mask set to all ones
   ff ff ff 0   color!  \ White in overlay background color register
   0  0  0  ff  color!  \ Black in overlay foreground color register
   64 41 b4  1  color!  \ SUN-blue for logo
\ End of Brooktree DAC code
\ Lego Selftest section
: fbc!  ( value offset -- )  fbc-addr + l!  ;
: fbc@  ( offset -- value )  fbc-addr + l@  ;
: tec!  ( value offset -- )  tec-addr + l!  ;
: lego-selftest ( -- failed? )  false  ;
\ Hardware configuration register section
: fhc!  ( value offset -- )  fhc-addr + l!  ;
: thc!  ( value offset -- )  thc-addr + l!  ;
: set-res-params  ( hcvd hcvs hchd hchsdvb hchs fhc-conf -- )
   0 fhc!  0 thc!  4 thc!  8 thc!  c thc!  10 thc!
\ Resolution params:          hcvd     hcvs    hchd  hchsdvb   hchs  fhc-conf
: r1024x768   ( -- params )  2c032c  32c0005  110051  490000  510007  3bb  ;
: r1152x900   ( -- params )  2403a8    10005  15005d  570000   10009  bbb  ;
: r1024x1024  ( -- params )  200426    10005  180054  520000   10009  3bb  ;
: r1152x870   ( -- params )  2c0392    20005  120054  540000   10009  bbb  ;
: r1600x1280  ( -- params )  340534   534009  130045  3d0000  450007 1bbb  ;
0 value lego-rez-width
0 value lego-rez-height
0 value sense-code
: set-resolution  ( sense-code -- )
      0 of  d# 1152  d#  900  endof
      12 of  d# 1024  d# 1024  endof
      13 of  d# 1600  d# 1280  endof
      drop   d# 1152  d#  900  0
   to lego-rez-height  to lego-rez-width
8f value thc-misc
: lego-video-on  ( -- )  thc-misc  400 or  18  thc!  ;
: lego-video-off ( -- )  thc-misc          18  thc!  ;
: lego-blink ( -- ) lego-video-off 20 ms lego-video-on ;
: lego-init-hc  ( -- )
   sense-code  case
      0  of  r1152x900   endof
      12 of  r1024x1024  endof
      13 of  r1600x1280  endof
      drop   r1152x900   0
   endcase                ( resolution-params )
   016b 14  thc!	         \ THC_HCREFRESH
   148f 18  thc!	         \ THC_HCMISC
   lego-video-off	        \ Turn video on at install time
\ End of hardware configuration register section
\ Lego graphics section
: lego-install  ( -- )
   map-regs fb-map  fb-addr to frame-buffer-adr
   default-font  ( param ... )  set-font
   frame-buffer-adr encode-int " address" property
   lego-rez-width lego-rez-height   over char-width /   over char-height /
   ['] lego-blink to blink-screen
: lego-remove  ( -- )
   fb-unmap  -1 to frame-buffer-adr
\ End of Lego graphics section
: lego-probe  ( -- )
   sense-code  set-resolution
   lego-rez-width  encode-int  " width"  property
   lego-rez-height encode-int  " height" property
   d# 8            encode-int  " depth"  property
   lego-rez-width  encode-int  " linebytes"  property
   ['] lego-install  is-install
   ['] lego-remove   is-remove
   ['] lego-selftest is-selftest
