Netra j - Release 2.0 Product Notes

Example of DNS Primary Server

The example of the DNS Primary Server described on page 44 should be replaced with the following information:

For example, assume that a master database for the domain is to be set up. In the Primary Domain Name field, specify:

In the Host Names/Host Addresses field, type a list of those hosts whose presence are to be broadcast to any machine that can connect to this DNS server. For this example, type ren and stimpy, and for a host called homer located in the DNS subdomain, type


The Internet community uses conventional names for hosts that provide certain types of services, in order to make them easy to locate. For instance, the WWW server for a domain is usually known as www.domain, and an anonymous FTP server is typically called ftp.domain. On, ren is an FTP and WWW server, while stimpy is a name server. Standard aliases for these machines are added into the Host Aliases/Host Names field. For example:

www							ren
ftp							ren
ns							stimpy

stimpy is going to handle mail sent to, so an MX record needs to be created:						5 		stimpy

Finally, records are added for name servers. This field must contain at least one entry specifying that this server is a name server for the domain. Add a second record, which is the name server for a subdomain of this domain. If a domain contains subdomains, the DNS primary domain server for the domain must know a DNS server for the subdomain. has a subdomain called black, whose DNS primary domain server is called homer. homer resides on that domain, so in order for the Netra DNS server to reach homer when it needs to request name services for that domain, it has to know homer's IP address. That is why was added to the list of known hosts.