Sun Quad FastEthernet SBus Adapter Installation and User's Guide

Changing the Device Names on Solaris 2.4 Systems

The device name of newer SBus cards is identified by a SUNW, prefix. If your system is running the Solaris 2.4 operating system, it will not recognize these device names. Perform the following tasks to set up your system so the device driver can recognize the Sun Quad FastEthernet SBus adapter.

  1. At the ok prompt, type:

    ok setenv use-nvramrc? true
    ok show-devs

    The show-devs command lists the system devices. You should see the full path name of the qfe channels, similar to the example below:


  2. Type:

    ok nvedit

  3. Type the following, spaces and quotation marks included, pressing the Return key at the end of all but the last line.

    0: probe-all install-console banner
    1: cd <full path to channel 1>
    2: " qfe" nameprop
    3: device-end
    4: cd <full path to channel 2>
    5: " qfe" nameprop
    6: device-end
    7: cd <full path to channel 3>
    8: " qfe" nameprop
    9: device-end
    10: cd <full path to channel 4>
    11: " qfe" nameprop
    12: device-end

  4. Press the Control-C keys after typing the final device-end.

  5. At the ok prompt, type:

    ok nvstore
    ok reset-all

    Your system will reset and the banner will appear.

  6. Press the Stop-A keys to get to the ok prompt.

  7. At the ok prompt, type show-devs to list your system devices and verify that the name property was changed correctly.

    You should see the full path name of the qfe device, excluding SUNW prior to qfe, similar to the example below:
