Sun Enterprise Network Array Installation Supplement


Warnings are an indication of a non-fatal error. Typically retry logic takes care of the problem. Warning messages are prefaced at the console with the keyword WARNING.

timeout Warning

 14:43:01 kapila unix: WARNING: /io-unit@f,e0200000/sbi@0,0/SUNW,socal@2,0/sf@1,0/ssd@0,0 (ssd10):
 Nov 12 14:43:01 kapila unix: SCSI transport failed: reason 'timeout': retrying command

This command is retried and normal operations continue. Sometimes the timeout may be accompanied by a loop reset (see OFFLINE/ONLINE sequences).These events are normal and are no cause for alarm unless they occur at a rate greater than five times per 24 hours. No data is lost or corrupted and commands are completed on subsequent retry.

Fibre Channel Loops are specified to have a bit error rate (BER) less than 10E-12. Actual BER is better than 10E-13 and may be as clean as 10E-15.However, you can occasionally experience a bit error that results in a corrupted frame. As corrupted frames are discarded, the end result will be a command that fails to complete and which eventually gets timed out by the ssd driver. A warning indicating a command timeout is generated to the console.

trans_err Warning

 Nov 12 14:45:09 kapila unix: WARNING: /io-unit@f,e0200000/sbi@0,0/SUNW,socal@2,0/sf@0,0/ssd@1,0 (ssd33):
 Nov 12 14:45:09 kapila unix: SCSI transport failed: reason 'tran_err': retrying command

Some warnings that indicate transport errors due to the link being temporarily unavailable during a loop re-initialization can be expected. For example, there may be several of these accompanying an OFFLINE/ONLINE sequence. These commands are retried after the loop is re-initialized.