Netra Proxy Cache Server User's Manual

Chapter 11 Netra System Administration

This chapter describes the system administration modules accessible through the Netra Main Administration page.


Use the Audio module to adjust the volume for configuration messages and audio files that are played through the Netra system speaker.

The volume level is tested by playing a sample sound when the level is set.

To Adjust the Audio Volume
  1. Choose System Administration: Audio.

    The Audio Administration page, showing the current volume, is displayed.

  2. Set the volume using Table 11-1.

    Table 11-1 Audio Settings

    Audio Volume 

    An integer between 0 and 99, inclusive, where  

    0 = no sound 

    99 = maximum volume 

    Output Port 

    The destination of the audio output. Choose built-in speaker, line out, or headphone jack. 

    Play Sample Sound 

    Plays a sound at the chosen volume on the Netra system speaker. Choices: Yes, No 

Host Name

Use the Host Name module to change the name of the Netra server.

To Change the Host Name
  1. Choose System Administration: Host Name.

    The Host Name Administration page is displayed.

  2. Type the Netra server name. See Table 11-2.

    Table 11-2 Host Name

    Host Name 

    The name by which the Netra server is known. 

  3. Restart the Netra server so that the new name is used.

    Note -

    If you change the host name of a host in a Netra Proxy Cache Array, you must also modify the array member configuration for that host.

Solaris Log Files

Note -

The log files described below are different from the proxy cache log files described in Chapter 15, Monitoring Proxy Cache Log Files."

Log files should be viewed and cleared periodically. The Log Files module gives access to the following:

To View or Clear Log Files
  1. Choose System Administration: Log Files.

    The Log Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • To look at a log file, Choose View.

    • To remove a log file, Choose Clear; then confirm the operation.

Restart and Shutdown

Use the Restart and Shutdown module to restart or shutdown the Netra server.

If the Netra server is used by normal users, always try to notify them in advance if the system is to be shut down or restarted. All users that are logged in when the process is initiated receive messages on their terminals informing them that the system is about to be shutdown. If it is known that users are currently logged in on the server, it is best to specify a reasonable delay to give them time to close applications and log out.

To Restart or Shut Down the System
  1. Choose System Administration: Restart and Shutdown.

    The Restart and Shutdown Administration page is displayed.

  2. Type the information in the form using Table 11-3.

    Table 11-3 Shutdown Information


    Shutdown shuts down the Netra server. Shutdown and Power off shuts down and powers off the Netra server. Restart shuts down and then starts up the Netra server. Choice: Shutdown, Shutdown and Power off, or Restart. 

    Check for new devices during restart? 

    If "Yes" is chosen, the operating system regenerates the list of devices attached to the Netra server upon start-up. Select yes if adding or removing a tape drive, CD-ROM drive, external hard disk, or network interface hardware to the server. Choice: Yes or No. 

    Delay (in minutes) 

    The time, in minutes, after which the Netra server shuts down or restarts. Users who are logged on receive broadcast messages during the countdown that the system is about to shut down. Use 0 for immediate restart or shutdown. 

  3. Click the OK button to confirm the operation.

Save and Restore Configuration

The Save and Restore Configuration module enables:

It is recommended that the system configuration be saved whenever it is changed. Doing so enables a return to this configuration state should it become necessary.

Save and Restore Options

The following options are available:

The Eject Diskette and Save Configuration to diskette options are only displayed on the form if there is a diskette in the drive. The Restore configuration from diskette option is only displayed if there is a diskette in the drive which contains valid Netra configuration information. The option Restore configuration from file system is only displayed if a Netra configuration state has previously been saved to a file on the hard disk.

After saving or restoring the system configuration to or from a diskette, the diskette is ejected at the end of the operation.

Note -

Only saving to diskette removes the reminder to save your configuration, displayed on the Main Administration page.

Save and Restore Procedures

To Eject a Diskette
  1. Choose System Administration: Save and Restore Configuration>Eject diskette.

    The Eject Diskette Administration page is displayed, indicating that the diskette has been ejected.

To Save the System Configuration
  1. If saving the configuration to diskette, insert the diskette into the drive; otherwise proceed to Step 2.

    Make sure the diskette is not write protected.

  2. Choose System Administration: Save and Restore Configuration.

    The Save And Restore Configuration Administration page is displayed.

  3. Choose either Save configuration to diskette or Save configuration to file system; then confirm the operation.

To Restore the System Configuration
  1. If restoring the configuration from a diskette, insert a diskette into the drive; otherwise proceed to Step 2.

  2. Choose System Administration: Save and Restore Configuration.

    The Save And Restore Configuration Administration page is displayed.

  3. Choose either Restore configuration from diskette or Restore configuration from file system.

    The Restore Configuration Administration page is displayed.

  4. Make the entries in the form using Table 11-4.

    Table 11-4 Restoring System Configuration

    Restore entire configuration  

    Restores all configurations from the diskette/disk.  

    Restore selected configurations  

    Restores only the selected configurations from the diskette/disk. If this option is chosen, at least one configuration must also be chosen; if any configuration is chosen, this option must also be chosen. 

    Note -

    It is strongly recommended that you restore only your entire configuration.

System Administrator Alias

Use the System Administrator Alias module to create and maintain a list of people who receive mail addressed to the root user. Each recipient on the list must be a valid email address.

To Set Up an Administrator Alias
  1. Choose System Administration: System Administrator Alias.

    The System Administrator Alias Administration page is displayed.

  2. Type the mail addresses of the alias members. See Table 11-5.

    Table 11-5 Alias Members

    Alias Members 

    A list of users, one per line, who receive mail sent to root.

System Defaults

Use the System Defaults module to change the time zone of the Netra server.

Note -

If the time zone or locale is changed, restart the Netra server so that the new information takes effect.

To Set System Defaults
  1. Choose System Administration: System Defaults.

    The System Defaults page is displayed with the current time zone and locale.

    There are lists from which time zone and locale are chosen. The current time zone and locale are highlighted.

  2. Modify the information in the form using Table 11-6.

    Table 11-6 Timezone Information

    Default System Time Zone 

    The default time zone used by the Netra server. 

    Default System Locale 

    The default locale used by the Netra server.