See "Access Control" for a description of the properties you use to limit access to the Netra Proxy Cache Server.
To limit access to the server, you define a filter in the Access List Definition property, then specify one or more filters for the following properties:
Client Access Control
Access to Cache via ICP
ACLs for Cache Host
URL Redirection
When you specify multiple entries for any of the preceding properties, list the lines in the order from the most exclusive (smallest set) toward the most inclusive (largest set). In processing multiple entries, the proxy cache service evaluates entries from to bottom, stopping at the first entry that matches a URL request.
When you specify multiple access lists for a given property, those lists are ANDed.
The following are example access lists:
Under Access List Definition: eng src sales src division src
The preceding access lists might be used as follows:
Under Client Access Control: allow eng sales deny division
The preceding entries specify that machines on the subnets and are allowed HTTP access to the Netra Proxy Cache Server, while machines in the division list are excluded.
You might want to restrict Inter Cache Protocol (ICP) access to a server to only those machines. This is illustrated in the following example:
Under Access List Definition: arrayhosts src \ all src
The list arrayhosts includes the host addresses of all machines in a Netra Proxy Cache Array. The list might be used as follows:
Under Access to Cache via ICP: allow arrayhosts deny all
The preceding entries specify that only the array machines are allowed ICP access to the Netra Proxy Cache Server, while all other machines are excluded.
The following are example access lists:
Under Access List Definition: nights time M-F 17:01-07:59 weekends time A-S 00:00-24:00 worktime time M-F 08:00-1700
The preceding access lists might be used as follows:
Under Client Access Control: deny nights weekends allow worktime
Note that A is the abbreviation for Saturday and S for Sunday.
The following are example access lists:
Under Access List Definition: poets domain .poetry .rhyme sports domain .espn .cnnsi cooks domain .culinary .gourmet
The preceding access lists might be used as follows:
Under Client Access Control: deny poets sports cooks
You might want to allow users access to the cache for non-work-hours web access. The following example uses time-based access lists defined in the preceding subsection.
Under Client Access Control: deny worktime poets sports cooks allow nights weekends poets sports cooks
The following are example access lists:
Under Access List Definition: politics domain .rightwing .leftwing pop_culture domain .disney .twarner
The preceding access lists might be used as follows:
Under URL Redirection: politics : HOST PATH /index.html pop_culture : HOST PATH /homepage/lchp.html
The effect of the preceding lines is that URL requests that match the politics filter are redirected to Requests that match pop_culture are redirected to