TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Administration Guide

Realm-Specific Error and Activity Logs

TAS generates a number of logs that you can use to monitor and manage the TAS system. Within each realm, a log generates during startup, and error messages sent within the realm append to the log as they occur.

You can enable an activity log that records information about all connections to file services; do so by enabling the Log activity attribute when you configure a file service. This attribute applies per service. The report generated by or by clicking Generate Support Info includes the activity log.

Error Logs

Realm error logs reside in each realm's folder. The NetWare realm's log resides in $TNHOME/NW/log, the LM-NT-OS/2 realm's log resides in $TNHOME/NB/log, and the AppleTalk realm's log resides in $TNHOME/AT/log. These logs provide startup information for the realm and error messages generated during startup in a common log format. If a client cannot connect to a service in a particular realm, you can check the log for that realm for TAS startup errors.

To access such a log from TotalAdmin, follow these links:

Activity Logs

To maintain a log of connection activity for a realm, you must enable the activity attribute on each relevant file service. This attribute applies per service. The activity log file then registers the following statistics whenever service terminates in the realm:

To cause an activity log to generate each time a client connects to the server, follow these steps:

  1. Follow these links:

    realm->Manage File Services->[select service]->Administer->Configuration

  2. Select the Log activity option.

    To enable activity logs from the UNIX command line, open a telnet session to the server and use the following command:

    ./tnservice -M -r NB -s service -a activity=on