TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command acquires the finder information for a file.




pfinfo [-C] [-V] [-u] [-m atmap] file...



Display the program copyright message and execute the command. 


Display the program version number and execute the command. 


Display the program usage message only. 

-m atmap

Specify the AppleTalk map for which to get finder information. To define AppleTalk maps and suffixes, refer to the tnatalk and tnsuffix man pages.


Specify the relative or absolute path to the file for which you want the finder information. You can request finder information for multiple files, separated by spaces. 


  1. Use the following command to acquire the finder information for the file Unknown in the current directory:

    pfinfo Unknown
  2. Use the following command to acquire the finder information for the file Unknown in the current directory, using the AppleTalk map defatmap:

    pfinfo -m defatmap Unknown